Country Woman


- Visit littlefree­ for more informatio­n.

• Boxes can be any shape or size, but make sure they have a door that closes securely and are waterproof.

• Use recycled materials when you can. One of Charlotte’s libraries started as an old mailbox.

• Decide what kind of books you want to fill it with—children’s books, adult novels, cookbooks or even DVDs—or maybe a mix of everything. • Have a collection of books on hand to resupply the library. Charlotte swaps hers out every week to keep the selection fresh.

• Consider offering a bench or a place to sit and flip through the books, if you have the space.

• Promote your library with a sign, or even a special event, to spread the word.

 ??  ?? Charlotte Endorf often helps visiting kids like Sam (above) find the perfect book.
Charlotte Endorf often helps visiting kids like Sam (above) find the perfect book.

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