Country Woman




2 bandannas

14x14x2-in. foam piece Medium-loft polyester quilt batting

Fabric glue

Narrow double-fold bias tape Coordinati­ng thread

Serrated knife


Sewing machine

Straight pins



1 If necessary, round corners of foam square with a serrated knife to fit chair seat. 2 Cut a piece of quilt batting twice the size of foam and wrap tightly around it, covering front and back edges and tacking with fabric glue where the batting overlaps. Fold batting to cover sides of foam and tack in place with fabric glue. Cut away excess batting. Dry thoroughly. 3 Topstitch open edge of bias tape closed to create chair ties. Cut two 24-in. pieces. 4 Cut bandannas to 3 in. wider than foam cushion, adjusting for rounded corners, if necessary. 5 Lay 1 bandanna flat, right side up. Measure and mark placement for chair ties, according to back rails on your chair. Fold 1 piece of bias tape in half and pin in place with fold facing toward middle. Repeat on other side with second length of tape. Lay second bandanna, right side down, on top of first and pin in place. 6 Mark 2 in. from each corner on front or back edge—either is fine, as long as it is a straight edge without rounded corners. Stitch bandannas with a ½-in. seam allowance, being sure to catch chair ties. Stop and start at marks near corners, leaving an opening along that side. 7 Create squared corners by bringing 2 seams together to create a point. Press and stitch across corner with a 1-in. seam allowance. Clip seams along any curves for a smooth finish. 8 Turn cover right side out and insert cushion, folding foam in half to insert and ease into place. 9 Pin opening shut and hand stitch in place with a whip or ladder stitch. Secure ends of ties with a knot.

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