
Now That’s Funny!


Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.

While taking photos of my neighbor’s baby goats, I captured the moment when my dog, Murphy, got curious enough to take a closer look. BIRGIT DAVIDSON La Luz, New Mexico

Caught Speeding

My wife, Connie, and I teach a Sunday school class for 5- and 6-year-olds. While talking about Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, I asked them to tell us about a time when they get so excited that they jump up and down and cheer. Young Gunnar answered, “When a new Star Wars movie comes out.” I said, “You might not believe it, but when the first Star Wars movie came out I was a kid.” Surprised, Gunnar asked how old I was. When I answered 58, Gunnar seemed amazed and responded, “You are older than the speed limit!” KELBY BROWN Durham, North Carolina

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