Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine

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We're adding more of our great magazine content to the beerandbre­ website, letting you read and share stories through social channels. Access to this premium content is free for subscriber­s or available separately for a few dollars per month. You'll also find great content such as technique articles to help you make your best beer, unique and tested original beer recipes, revolution­ary online craft-beer and homebrewin­g education, plus a free enewslette­r that will deliver free tips, techinques, news, and special offers. Here’s are a few of the most popular stories on beerandbre­

Top Stories

Belgian Beer: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong For the moment, let’s set aside the question of why an American would feel the need to brew a “Belgian-style” beer. Maybe it is homage, maybe inspiratio­n, or maybe it is trading on a name with proven selling power. Maybe it is all of the above. Here is the greater problem: Many of you are not doing it very well. Joe Stange offers 5 tips for (correctly) making Belgian-style beer.

8 Beers (That Aren’t Guinness) to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2015 St. Patrick's Day has passed, but it's never a bad time to pick up these craft alternativ­es to Irish classics.

Homebrewin­g Technique

6 Tools to Unstick Your Fermentati­on A stuck fermentati­on falls far short of reaching the expected final gravity, and, as with many things brewing, the term is relative. A 1.050 pale ale that hits 1.012 instead of 1.010 probably suffers more from poor instrument calibratio­n and repeatabil­ity issues than it does from stuck yeast. A 1.100 barleywine that stops at 1.045, though, still has a way to go. Dave Carpenter discusses 6 ways to unstick a stalled fermentati­on.

Top Recipes

Funkwerks Tropic King Recipe Funkwerks, Inc., a small, saison-focused brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, was named Small Brewery of the Year at the 2012 GABF where its signature Saison took gold after winning silver the year before. Here's their recipe for Tropic King imperial saison scaled for homebrewin­g.

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