Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine

Ritual Brewing Monk’s Lunch


LOC: Redlands, California ABV: 4% | IBUS: N/A | SRM: N/A

What the brewer says

“Monk’s Lunch is a crisp, light Belgian-style ale that boasts a golden body, aromas of spice and pear with a perfectly balanced taste of sweet malt and earthy hops. Finishes dry, clean, and crisp.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Light, delicate floral and honey with orange citrus. There’s almost an orange-creamsicle character to it. Behind that, there’s some fresh bread dough and a touch of grass. Slight spice on the back.” Flavor: “The orange citrus comes out more in the flavor with honeyed cracker after. A moderate sweetness up front with a moderate bitterness after. Slightly spiced hops character. The beer is light overall without being watery.” Overall: “The brewer did a great job of packing a lot of complexity into a small beer. Nice ester and malt character! Although it’s light, it’s not thin.”

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