Crochet World

Touch of Style

Chloe Twin Set

- Designs by Laura Gebhardt


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Pattern Rows 2 and 3 are repeated for Shell and Jacket, and establish pattern of twin set. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated. The chain-2 at the beg of a row does not count as first stitch unless otherwise stated. To decrease 1 stitch at beginning of a row, chain 2 and double crochet in next stitch. To decrease 1 stitch at end of a row, double crochet 2 stitches together. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. To increase 1 stitch at beginning of a row, chain 3, double crochet in same stitch as beginning chain-3. To increase 1 stitch at end of a row, work 2 double crochet stitches in last stitch of row.


Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes),

Color speci cations: [sk nextAnnie’s Logo dc, Purple: dc in next dc, workPanton­e: 268C, GOE Medium Purple U CMYK: C82, M100, K12 ing overRGB: R82, G43, lastB133 dc made, dc in sk Hexadecima­l: 522b85 dc (crossAnnie’s Logo dcGray: st)] across to last dc, Pantone: Cool Gray 9 U CMYK: 60K dc in lastRGB: R130, G131, dc,B134 turn. Hexadecima­l: 828386

Row 3: Ch 3, dc in each dc across, turn.



Row 1 (RS): Beg at bottom edge, ch 70 [78, 86, 94, 106, 114], dc in 4th ch from hook (3 sk chs

count as first dc), dc in each rem

ch across, turn. (68 [76, 84, 92,

104, 112] dc)

Row 2: Work row 2 of Pattern

Rows. (33 [37, 41, 45, 51, 55] cross dc sts, 2 dc)

Row 3: Work row 3 of Pattern

Rows. Rows 4–25: Rep rows 2 and 3. Row 26: Rep row 2.

Armhole Shaping

Row 1: Maintainin­g establishe­d pattern, sl st in first 4 [5,7, 8, 10, 11] sts, ch 2, Pattern Row 3 across to last 5 [6,8, 9, 11, 12] sts, dc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sts, leaving last 3 [4,6, 7, 9, 10] sts unworked, turn.

(60 [66, 70, 76, 84, 90] sts)

Row 2: Sl st in first 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 [3, 3,4, 5, 5] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (56 [62, 66, 70, 76, 82] sts) Sizes Small, Medium & Large Only

Row 3: Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

(54 [60, 64] sts)

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [4]: Rep row 3. ([58, 62] sts)

Size X-Large Only Row [3]: Sl st in each of first

2 sts, ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([66] sts)

Row [4]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts,

turn. ([64] sts)

Sizes 2X-Large & 3X-Large Only Row [3]: Sl st in first 3 sts,

ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 4 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([70, 76] sts)

Row [4]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

([66, 72] sts)

Size 3X-Large Only

Row [5]: Ch 2 (see Pattern

Notes), dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([70] sts)

All Sizes Rows 4–13 [5–15, 5–15, 5–17, 5–17, 6–19]: Maintainin­g

establishe­d pattern on rem 54, [58, 62, 64, 66, 70] sts, rep rows 2 and 3 of Pattern Rows. At the end of last rep, fasten off.


Rows 1–26: Rep rows 1–26

of Back.

Right Armhole & Neck Shaping

Row 1: Rep row 1 of Armhole Shaping of Back. (60 [66, 70, 76,

84, 90] sts)

Row 2: Sl st in first 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across next 24 [27, 29, 31, 34, 37] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn, leave rem sts unworked. (26 [29, 31,

33, 36, 39] sts) Sizes Small, Medium & Large Only

Row 3: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

(24 [27, 29] sts)

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [4]: Rep row 3. ([25, 27] sts)

Size X-Large Only

Row [3]: Dec 1 st (see Pattern

Notes) at neck edge, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([30] sts)

Row [4]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([28] sts)

Sizes 2X-Large & 3X-Large Only

Row [3]: Sl st in first 3 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 4 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

([32, 33] sts)

Row [4]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

([29, 30] sts)

Size 3X-Large Only

Row [5]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([28] sts)

All Sizes Rows 4–13 [5–15, 5–15, 5–17, 5–17, 6–19]: Maintainin­g estab

lished rows, dec 1 st (see Pat

tern Notes) at neck edge every row until 14 [14, 16, 16, 16, 16] sts rem. At the end of last rep, fasten off.

Left Armhole & Neck Shaping

With WS facing, sk next 2 sts (center cross dc st), join (see

Pattern Notes) yarn in next st. Row 2: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 [3,3, 4, 5, 5] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (26 [29, 31, 33, 36,

39] sts) Rows 3–13 [3–15, 3–15, 3–17, 3–17, 3–19]: Maintainin­g establishe­d pattern from Pattern Rows, work as for Right Armhole and Neck Shaping, reversing shaping.

ASSEMBLY With yarn needle and length of yarn, whipstitch (see

illustrati­on) shoulders and side seams tog.


Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, join yarn at shoulder seam, ch 1, sc evenly sp around neckline opening, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

ARMHOLE EDGING Make 2. Rnd 1: Join yarn at underarm seam, ch 1, sc evenly sp around armhole opening, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


Rnd 1: Join yarn at side seam, ch 1, sc evenly sp around bottom opening of Shell, join in beg sc. Fasten off.



Row 1 (RS): Beg at bottom edge, ch 120 [136, 152, 168,192, 208], dc in 4th ch from hook

(3 sk chs count as first dc), dc in

each rem ch across, turn. (118 [134, 150, 166, 190, 206] dc)

Rows 2–13: Work rows 2 and

3 of Pattern Rows, inc 1 st (see

Pattern Notes) at each end of row to 142 [158, 174, 190, 214, 230] sts, turn.

Rows 14–28: Rep rows 2 and 3 of Pattern Rows.

Right Front & Armhole Shaping

Row 1: Ch 2, dc in next 28 [31,

33, 36, 40, 43] sts, dc dec (see

Stitch Guide) in next 2 sts, turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

(29 [32, 34, 37, 41, 44] sts)

Row 2: Sl st in first 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (26 [29, 31, 33, 36, 39] sts)

Row 3: Dc dec in next 2 sts, dc to last 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (24 [27, 29,

30, 32, 35] sts) Sizes Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large & 3X-Large Only

Row [4]: Dc dec in next 2 sts, dc in each dc across to last [2,2, 2, 3, 3] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([25, 27, 28, 29, 32] sts)

Size 3X-Large Only

Row [5]: Maintainin­g establishe­d pattern, dc dec in first 2 sts and last 2 sts, turn. ([30] sts)

All Sizes

Rows 4–15 [5–17, 5–17, 5–19, 5–19, 6–21]: Dc dec 1 st (see

Pattern Notes) at neck edge every row to 19 [19, 18, 22, 22, 22] sts, then every other row to 16, [16, 16, 19, 19, 19] sts, then continue even in establishe­d pattern, at the end of last rep fasten off.


Row 1: With RS facing, sk next 7 [9, 13, 15, 19, 21] sts after Right Front & Armhole Shaping, join yarn in next dc, ch 2, dc in next 63 [69, 75, 81, 89, 95] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (64 [70, 76,

82, 90, 96] sts)

Row 2: Sl st in first 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 [3, 3,4, 5, 5] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (60 [66, 72, 76, 82, 88] sts)

Sizes Small, Medium & Large Only

Row 3: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (58 [64, 70] sts)

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [4]: Rep row 3. ([62, 68] sts)

Size X-Large Only

Row [3]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([72] sts)

Row [4]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([70] sts)

Sizes 2X-Large & 3X-Large Only

Row [3]: Sl st in first 3 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 4 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([76, 82] sts)

Row [4]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([72, 78] sts)

Size 3X-Large Only

Row [5]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([76] sts)

All Sizes

Rows 4–15 [5–17, 5–17, 5–19,

5–19, 6–21]: Work even in rows. At the end of last rep, fasten off.

Left Front & Armhole Shaping

Row 1: With RS facing, sk next 7 [9, 13, 15, 19, 21] sts, join yarn in next st, ch 2, dc across to last 2 sts, dc dec in last 2 sts, turn.

(29 [32, 34, 37, 41, 44] sts)

Row 2: Dec 1 st for neck edge, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 [3,3, 4, 5, 5] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (26 [29, 31, 33,

36, 39] sts) Maintainin­g row, rep as for Right Front & Armhole Shaping reversing shaping. Fasten off at the end of last rep.


Make 2. Row 1: Beg at bottom edge, ch 54 [62, 62, 68, 68, 74], dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each rem ch across, turn. (52 [60, 60, 66, 66,

72] sts)

Rows 2– 14: Work in pattern rows, inc 1 st at each end of every RS row until 62 [70, 70, 78, 78, 86] sts, work even in pattern.


Row 1: Maintainin­g pattern, sl st in first 4 [5,7, 8, 10, 11] sts, ch 2, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 5 [6,8, 9, 11,

12] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

(54 [60, 56, 62, 58, 64] sts)

Row 2: Sl st in first 2 [2,2, 3, 4, 4] sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 [3, 3,4, 5, 5] sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (50 [56, 52, 56, 50, 56] sts)

Sizes Small, Medium & Large Only

Row 3: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. (48 [54, 50] sts)

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [4]: Rep row 3. ([52, 48] sts)

Size X-Large Only

Row [3]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern across to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([52] sts)

Row [4]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([50] sts)

Sizes 2X-Large & 3X-Large Only

Row [3]: Sl st in first 3 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 4 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn.

([44, 50] sts)

Row [4]: Sl st in first 2 sts, ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 3 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([42, 48] sts)

Size 3X-Large Only

Row [5]: Ch 2, dc in next st, work in establishe­d pattern to last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. ([46] sts)

All Sizes

Row(s) 4 &5 [5, 5, 5, 5, 6 & 7]:

Work even in pattern across to

last 2 sts, dc dec in next 2 sts, turn. At the end of last rep, fasten off.


With yarn needle and length of yarn, whipstitch (see illustrati­on on page 18) shoulder seams. Fold each Sleeve in half lengthwise, position center of fold at shoulder seam, sew each Sleeve in armhole opening. Sew Sleeve seam closed.


Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, join yarn at shoulder seam, ch 1, sc evenly sp around entire outer edge of Jacket, working 3 sc in each Front bottom corner, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


Make 2.

Rnd 1: Join yarn in Sleeve seam, ch 1, sc evenly sp around Sleeve opening, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

 ??  ?? Whipstitch Edges
Whipstitch Edges
 ??  ??

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