Crochet World

Winner’s Circle

Chomp Chomp Scarf

- Design by Kristy Howe


41/2 inches wide x 32 inches long


• I Love This Yarn! Solid medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (7 oz/ 355 yds/198g per skein): 1 skein #310 peacock

• I Love This Yarn! light (DK) weight acrylic yarn (21/2 oz/230 yds/70g per skein): 6 yds #20 ivory

• Sizes H/8/5mm and I/9/5.5mm crochet hooks or size needed to obtain gauge

• Tapestry needle

• Sewing needle

• Black sewing thread

• 12mm black button


Size I hook: 8 dc = 2 inches; 6 rows

= 2 inches


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Loose chain-1 at beginning of row counts as first single crochet unless otherwise stated. Chain-2 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.



Row 1 (RS): With size I hook and peacock, ch 16, working in back bar of ch (see illustrati­on),

dc in 3rd ch from hook (2 sk chs count as first dc) and in back bar of each rem ch across, turn. (15 dc)

Back Bar of Chain

Row 2 (WS): Ch 1 (see Pattern Notes), sk first dc, sc in each rem dc across, turn. (15 sc) Row 3 (RS): Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), sk first st, [ fpdc (see Special Stitches) around dc directly below next st, dc in next st of previous row] across, turn. (15 sts) Row 4: Ch 1, sk first st, sc in each rem st across, turn. (15 sts) Row 5: Ch 2, sk first st, [dc in next st, fpdc around dc directly below next st] across to last 2 sts, dc in last 2 sts, turn. (15 sts) Rows 6–73: [Rep rows 2–5 consecutiv­ely] 17 times. Rows 74 & 75: Rep rows 2 and 3.


Row 76: Do not ch 1, sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in first 2 sts, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc dec in last 2 sts, turn. (13 sc) Row 77: Ch 2, sk first st, [fpdc around dc in row directly below next st, dc in next st] across, turn. (13 sts) Row 78: Ch 1, sk first st, sc in each st across, turn. (13 sts) Row 79: Ch 2, sk first st, dc in next st, fpdc around dc directly below next st, [dc in next st, fpdc around dc in row directly below next st] across to last 2 sts, dc in last 2 sts, turn. (13 sts) Row 80: Rep row 76. (11 sc) Row 81: Ch 2, sk first st, dc in next st, fpdc around dc directly below next st, [dc in next st, fpdc around dc in row directly below next st] across to last 2 sts, dc in last 2 sts, turn. (11 sts) Row 82: Ch 1, sk first st, sc in each st across, turn. (11 sc)

Row 83: Ch 2, sk first st, [fpdc around dc in row directly below next st, dc in next st] across, turn. (11 sts) Row 84: Rep row 76. (9 sc) Row 85: Rep row 83. (9 sts) Row 86: Rep row 82. (9 sc) Row 87: Rep row 81. (9 sts) Row 88: Rep row 76. (7 sc) Row 89: Rep row 81. (7 sts) Row 90: Rep row 82. (7 sc) Row 91: Rep row 83. (7 sts) Row 92: Rep row 76. (5 sc) Row 93: Rep row 83. (5 sts) Row 94: Rep row 82. (5 sc) Row 95: Rep row 81. (5 sts) Row 96: Do not ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in next st, sc dec in next 2 sts. Fasten off. (3 sc)


Lower Jaw

Row 1 (RS): With RS of row 1 of Body facing, with size I hook,

join (see Pattern Notes) peacock in first ch, sc in same ch, sc in each of next 5 chs, leaving rem

sts unworked, turn. (6 sc) Rows 2–12: Ch 1 ( does not

count as first sc), sc in each of next 6 sc, turn.

Row 13: Ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each rem sc across, turn. (5 sc)

Row 14: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. (5 sc)

Rows 15 & 16: Rep rows 13

and 14. (4 sc)

Rows 17 & 18: Rep rows 13

and 14. (3 sc)

Row 19: Ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc. Fasten off. (2 sc)

Upper Jaw

Row 1: With RS facing, sk next 3 sts of Body, join peacock in next ch, sc in same ch, sc in each of next 5 chs, turn. (6 sc)

Rows 2–12: Ch 1, sc in each of next 6 sc, turn.

Row 13: Ch 1, sc in each of next 4 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc, turn. (5 sc)

Row 14: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.

Rows 15 & 16: Rep rows 13 and

14. (4 sc)

Rows 17 & 18: Rep rows 13 and

14. (3 sc)

Row 19: Ch 1, sc in next sc, sc dec in next 2 sc. Fasten off. (2 sc)


Rnd 1: With RS facing, with size I hook, join peacock in any st, ch 1, sc evenly sp around entire outer edge of Body, sc evenly around Lower Jaw, do not sc in corner st where Body and Head join, sc in each of next 3 sk sts of foundation ch of Body and do not sc in corner where Body and Upper Jaw join, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


Row 1 (RS): With size H hook, join ivory with sc at bottom front of mouth, sc across bottom of mouth and the 3 sts on worked Body. For top Teeth, [sc in first st, hdc in next st, (dc, ch 2, sl st in 2nd ch from

hook, dc) in next st, hdc in next st] 3 times, sc in next st, hdc in next st, (dc, ch 1, sl st in 3rd sc at beg of Lower Jaw, dc) in next st (keyhole formed), hdc in next st, sc in next st. Fasten off.


With size H hook and ivory, form a slip ring (see illustrati­on), work (5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 hdc) in slip ring, join in beg hdc, leaving 10-inch length, fasten off. With sewing needle and sewing thread, sew button to lower hdc section of Eye. With rem length, sew Eye at a slight angle between rows 2 and 6 of Upper Jaw.

 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? Here is a whole new take on a keyhole-style scarf. This cute and unusual design easily fastens around the neck by using the monster’s mouth to “chomp” on its tail.
Kids will love it!
Here is a whole new take on a keyhole-style scarf. This cute and unusual design easily fastens around the neck by using the monster’s mouth to “chomp” on its tail. Kids will love it!
 ??  ??

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