Crochet World

Sequin-tial Moebius

- Design by Carrie Carpenter


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. When joining a new ball of yarn, try to match the shade of the new and old ends so that the joins are not obvious. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.


Shell: (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in indicated st or sp.

V-stitch (V-st): (Dc, ch 1, dc) in

indicated st.


Row 1: Ch 74 [74, 82, 82], sc in 2nd ch from hook, [sk next 3 chs, shell (see Special Stitches) in next ch, sk next 3 chs, sc in next ch] across, turn. (9 [9, 10,

10] shells) Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc in same st as beg ch-3, [ch 1,

V-st (see Special Stitches) in ch-1 sp of shell, ch 1, V-st in next sc] across, ending with ch 1, 2 dc in last st, turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first st, [shell in ch-1 sp of V-st, sc in ch-1 sp of next V-st] across, ending with sc in last st, turn. Rep rows 2 and 3 until Cowl measures 37 [45, 53, 61] inches or desired length, ending with row 3. Fasten off.


Block if desired. Place on flat surface. Flip 1 short end so that there is a twist in the Cowl. (Turn short end of Cowl over so beg of row 1 touches end of last row crocheted.) Keeping the twist, sew short ends tog.

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