Crochet World

Heirloom Treasures

Roll-Stitch Bonnet

- Design from Annie’s


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. Chain-6 at beginning of round counts as first double crochet and chain-3 unless otherwise stated.


Roll stitch (roll st): Yo hook 20 times, insert hook in indicated st or sp, yo, draw up lp, yo, draw through all lps on hook.

Roll-stitch shell (roll-st

shell): Work 6 roll sts in indicated st or sp.


Rnd 1 (RS): With pink, ch 7, join (see Pattern Notes) to form a ring, ch 6 (see Pattern Notes), [dc in ring, ch 3] 5 times, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-6. (6 ch-3 sps)

Rnd 2: Sl st in first sp, ch 6, beg in same sp, 4 roll sts (see

Special Stitches) in each sp around, join in top of beg roll st.

(24 roll sts)

Rnd 3: Sl st between same roll st and next roll st, [ch 5, sl st between next 2 roll sts] around, ending with ch 2, dc in beg sl st to form last ch-5 sp. (24 ch-5 sps)

Rnd 4: [Ch 5, sl st in next ch-5 sp] around, ending with (ch 2, dc) in top of last dc of last rnd to form last ch-5 sp. (24 ch-5 sps)

Rnd 5: *Ch 9, sl st in 5th ch from hook, tr in next ch-5 sp, (ch 7, sl st— ch-7 picot made, ch 4, sl st) in top of tr just made, ch 4, sl st in next ch-5 sp, rep

from * around. Fasten off.

(12 ch-7 picots)

Rnd 6 (RS): Join pink in any ch-7 picot, ch 9, [sl st in next ch-7 picot, ch 9] around, join in beg sl st. (12 ch-9 sps)

Rnd 7: Ch 1, beg in same st as joining, sc in each sl st and ch around, join in back lp (see

Stitch Guide) only of beg

sc. (120 sc)

Rnd 8: Ch 1, working in back lp for this rnd only, sc in each sc around, join in back lp of beg sc. (120 sc)

Rnd 9: Rep rnd 8, ending with join in both lps of beg sc. (120 sc)

Rnd 10: [Ch 5, sk next 2 sc, sl st in next sc] around, ending with ch 2, dc in st at base of beg ch-5 to form last ch-5 sp. (40 ch-5 sps)

Rnds 11–14: Rep rnd 4. (40

ch-5 sps)

Rnd 15: Ch 5, [sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 5] around, join in st at base of beg ch-5. Fasten off. (40

ch-5 sps)

Row 16 (RS): Now working in rows, join white in center ch of any ch-5 sp, ch 1, sc in same st,

[ roll-st shell (see Special Stitch

es) in next ch-5 sp, sk next ch-5 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp] 11 times. Fasten off.

Row 17 (RS): Join white in first sc of last row, [roll-st shell between 3rd and 4th roll sts of next roll-st shell, sc in next sc] 11 times, turn. Fasten off.

Row 18 (WS): Join pink in last sc, [ch 6, sl st between 3rd and 4th roll sts of next roll-st shell, ch 6, sl st in next sc] across, turn. (22 ch-6 sps)

Row 19: [Ch 5, sl st in next ch-6 sp, ch 5, (sl st, ch 5, sl st) in next ch-6 sp] across, ending with ch 5, sl st in last sl st, turn.

(34 ch-5 sps)

Rows 20–28: [Ch 5, sl st in next ch-5 sp] across, turn. At end of row 28, fasten off, turn.

(34 ch-5 sps)

Row 29 (RS): Join white in first ch-5 sp, rep row 16.

Rows 30–33: Rep rows 17–20. Rnd 34: Now working in rnds, sl st in first sp, (ch 9, sl st in 5th ch from hook, tr, {ch 7, sl st— ch-7 picot made, ch 4, sl st} in top of tr just made, ch 4, sl st) in same sp, *[ch 9, sl st in 5th ch from hook, tr in next sp, {ch 7, sl st (ch-7 picot made), ch 4, sl st} in top of tr just made, ch 4, sl st in next ch-5 sp] across to next bottom corner sp*, (ch 9, sl st in 5th ch from hook, tr, {ch 7, sl st— ch-7 picot made, ch 4, sl st} in top of tr just made, ch 4, sl st) in corner sp (18 ch-7

picots across front), rep from * to * in ch-5 sps along bottom back of Bonnet, ending with ch 4, sl st in sp at base of beg ch-9,

(10 ch-7 sps across bottom back).

Fasten off.

Rnd 35 (RS): Join pink in first ch-7 picot of previous rnd, ch 8, sl st in next ch-7 picot, [ch 6, sl st in next ch-7 picot] 15 times, ch 8, sl st in corner ch-7 picot, ch 8, sl st in next ch-7 sp, [ch 7, sl st in next ch-7 picot] 9 times, ch 8, join in beg sl st.

Rnd 36: Ch 1, 2 sc in same st as joining, sc in each sl st and in each ch across to next corner, 3 sc in corner sl st, sc in each rem ch and sl st around, join in back lp only of beg sc. (216 sc)

Rnd 37: Ch 1, working in back lps only this rnd, sc in same st as joining, sc in each rem sc around, join in beg sc. (216 sc)

Rnd 38: Ch 4, sk next 2 sts, [sl st in next st, ch 4, sk next 2 sts] around, join in st at base of beg ch-4. Fasten off. (72 ch-4 sps)

Rnd 39 (RS): Join white in first ch-4 sp after joining, ch 1, sc in same sp, *roll-st shell in next sp, sk next sp**, sc in next sp, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc.

Rnd 40: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *roll-st shell between 3rd and 4th roll st of next shell**, sc in next sc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 41 (RS): Join pink in joining st of last rnd, *ch 2, (sl st, ch 4, sl st) between first and 2nd roll sts of next roll-st shell, [ch 2, sk next 2 roll sts, (sl st, ch 4, sl st) in sp before next roll st] twice, ch 2**, sl st in next sc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sl st. Fasten off.


Starch Bonnet lightly. Cut 2 12-inch lengths of ribbon. Sew 1 to each side of Bonnet at bottom front corners for ties. Cut 2 10-inch lengths of ribbon. Tie each into bow. Trim ends to desired length. Tack 1 bow on each side of Bonnet at top of ties.

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