Crochet World

Puffy Posy Phone Cozy

- Design by Debra Arch


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. First chain in chain-3 of Posy Petal is the Petal tip. Insert needle into this chain when sewing Petals together. To enlarge Cozy to fit bigger phone or electronic device, work additional Posies and rows as needed to fit around device.


Yo, insert hook in indicated st and pull up a lp, [yo, insert hook in same st and pull up a lp] 4 times, yo and draw through 11 loops on hook.



Make 31. Rnd 1 (RS): With white, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd

ch from hook, join (see Pattern Notes) in first sc. Fasten off. (6 sc)


Make 8 peony pink, 7 yellow, 6 orange, & 5 each cardinal & hot pink. Rnd 2: With WS of Posy Center facing, join 2nd color to any sc, ch 2, bobble (see Special Stitch) in same sc (Petal made), [ch 3, sl st in next sc, ch 2, bobble in same sc] 5 times, ch 3, join in first ch of first Petal. Fasten off. (6 Petals)


Set aside 1 yellow Posy for closure. Sew all Petals tog from WS. Using Assembly Diagram as a guide, arrange Posies in 5 rows of 6 Posies each. Thread tapestry needle with a 5-inch strand of any color and insert needle through first chs of adjacent B-Petal tips (see Pattern Notes), knot strand securely, and weave in tails. Rep to join C-Petal tips of same Posies tog. Rep in same manner to join Posies tog in each row. Align long edges of rows as shown in Assembly Diagram. Sew B-Petal joins to A-Petal tips directly above and C-Petal joins to A-Petal tips directly below. With RS tog, fold Cozy widthwise and sew Petal tips tog at ends of rows in same manner. Hold sides of Cozy tog at bottom, positionin­g Posies so that 2 pairs are centered. Sew each pair of A-Petal tips tog. On each side of Cozy, fold A-Petal tip of Posy over adjacent B-Petals and sew to B-Petal joins. Turn cozy RS out. Place center of rem yellow Posy over B-Petal join of center 2 Posies at top front and with strand of white, sew in place.


Closing Lp

With peony pink and leaving a 6-inch tail, ch 45, sl st in 45th ch from hook. Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch tail. Pull yarn tails through sp between B- and C-Petal joins of top 2 Posies centered at back of Cozy. Sew tails through WS and secure.

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