Crochet World

The Hot Tropics Tote looks great with our Fun in the Sun Slouch


Rows 112–114: Rep rows 70– 72, changing color to deep red at end of row 114. (34 sc)

Rows 115–117: Rep rows 73– 75, changing color to bright red at end of row 116. (29 sc)

Rows 118–129: [Rep rows 70–

75] twice. (9 sc) Rows 130–132: Rep row 70. (3 sc) Row 133: Ch 1, sc dec in last 3 sts. Fasten off. (1 sc)


Rnd 1: With RS facing, join bright red in last st made (at top corner), ch 1, sc in same st, working in ends of rows and in sts

around all edges and changing colors to match stripes (see

Pattern Notes), work 63 sc evenly down first side edge to lower corner, ch 1, work 80 sc across lower edge of Tote to next lower corner, ch 1, work 63 sc evenly up 2nd side edge to top corner, ch 1, work 80 sc evenly across top edge, ch 1, join (see Pattern Notes) in first sc. Fasten off. (286 sc)


Row 1: With pink, ch 81, working in back bar of ch, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (80 sc)

Rows 2–17: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. Fasten off at end of row 17.


Make 2.

Row 1: With pink, ch 64, working in back bar of ch, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (63 sc)

Rows 2–17: Rep rows 2–17 of Bottom Gusset. Do not fasten off.

Lower Edge

Row 1: Ch 1, working in ends of rows, work 14 sc evenly sp across. Fasten off. (14 sc)


Make 2.

Row 1: With pink, ch 91, holding a 2nd strand of pink behind ch and working in back bar of ch, enc sc (see Special Stitch) in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (90 sc)

Rows 2–7: Ch 1, with 2nd strand held behind Handle, enc sc in each st across. Fasten off at end of row 7.


Lightly steam-block to listed measuremen­ts and allow all pieces to dry thoroughly.

Panels: 18 inches wide x 15 inches long

Side Gussets: 31/4 inches wide x

15 inches long

Bottom Gusset: 31/4 inches wide x 18 inches long

Handles: 13/4 inches wide x 221/2 inches long

Side Gusset Join

Work 4 times. With RS held tog, pin long edge of Side Gusset to side edge of Panel, positionin­g lower edge of Side Gusset with bottom of Panel and ensuring that top edges are even.

Joining row: With WS of Side Gusset facing, join pink in front lp of first sc, ch 1, insert hook in same lp and in back lp of first st of Panel, yo, pull through all lps on hook (sl st made), working in front lp of Side Gusset sts and back lp of Panel sts, (ch 1, sl st) in each st across. (63 sl sts)

Bottom Gusset Join

With RS held tog, pin lower edge of Panel to long edge of Bottom Gusset.

Joining rnd: With WS of Bottom Gusset facing, join pink in front lp of first sc, ch 1, insert hook in same lp and in back lp of first st of Panel, yo, pull through all lps on hook

(sl st made), working in front lp of Bottom Gusset sts and in back lp of Panel sts, sc in next 79 sts across, sk ch-1 sp at lower corner of Panel, *working in front lps only of Bottom Gusset and in ends of rows of Side Gusset, sc in next 14 sc*, working in front lp of Bottom Gusset sts and in back lp of Panel sts, sc in next 80 sts, rep from * to * once, join in first sl st. Fasten off. (188 sc)


Place a bamboo pin in center of top edge on each Panel. To mark Handle openings on each Panel, place a 2nd pin 4 inches to right of center pin and a 3rd pin in 6th st to right of 2nd pin, rep 2nd and 3rd pin placement to the left of the center pin.

Rnd 1: With RS facing, join pink to center top edge of Side Gusset, ch 1, [work 6 sc in ends of rows to first front lp of side seam, holding WS of Panel and Side Gusset tog and working front lps only, insert hook in first st of long edge of Side Gusset and in first st (at top edge) of Panel, yo, draw through all lps on hook (corner sl st made), ch 1, working in front lps only of Panel edge, sc in same first st as sl st just made, sc in each st to first pin, *remove pin, ch 7, sk next 7 sc*, sc in each st to next pin, rep from * to *, sc in each st across to last st, holding WS of Panel and Side Gusset tog and working in front lps only, insert hook in last st of Panel and in first st of first row of Side Gusset, draw through all lps on hook

(corner sl st made), sc in same st of Side Gusset as sl st just made, 6 sc in ends of rows to center of Side Gusset] twice, join in first sc of rnd. (160 sc, 4 ch-7 sps)

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sk corner sl sts, sc in each sc and ch, join in first sc. Place marker on sc worked in first ch of each Handle opening and move up as each rnd is completed. (188 sc)

Rnds 3–5: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, join in first sc.

Rnd 6: Ch 1, [*sc in each sc to next marked st, insert Handle end in opening with WS tog and Handle end even with last rnd, inserting hook in indicated sts and ends of Handle rows, sc in next 7 sts, rep from * once, taking care not to twist Handle when inserting other end] twice, sc in each rem sc, join in first sc. Fasten off. Fold facing to WS.


Cut a 1-yd strand of pink and separate 2 plies. Thread both plies through sewing needle and sew snap pieces to Facing at center top edge of Tote. With tapestry needle and strand of pink, whipstitch edge of Facing to WS of Tote.

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