Crochet World

Winner’s Circle

Nyla the Indian Elephant

- Design by Eve Leder

Do not join rounds. Use stitch marker to mark rounds as work progresses unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.



Rnd 1: Ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, place stitch marker (see

Pattern Notes). (6 sc)

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around.

(12 sc)

Rnd 3: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (18 sc)

Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (24 sc)

Rnd 5: [Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (30 sc) Rnd 6: Sc in each sc around. Rnds 7 & 8: Rep rnd 6. Rnd 9: [Sc in each of next 3 sc, sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sc] around. (24 sc) Rnd 10: Rep rnd 6. Rnd 11: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around.

(18 sc) Rnd 12: Rep rnd 6. Rnd 13: [Sc in next sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (12 sc)

Rnd 14: Rep rnd 6. Insert eyes in rnd 11 with 11/2 inch sp between eyes and stuff Head with fiberfill.

Rnd 15: [Sc dec in next 2 sc]

around. (6 sc)

Rnd 16: Rep rnd 6.


Rnd 17: Sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 2 sc. (6 sc)

Rnd 18: Rep rnd 6. With 6 strands medium plum, embroider mouth with back

stitch (see illustrati­on) over

rnd 14.

Rnd 19: Sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc. (6 sc)

Rnds 20 & 21: Rep rnd 6. Rnd 22: Sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 4 sc, leaving a 6-inch length of yarn, fasten off. (5 sc) Stuff Trunk lightly with fiberfill, sew opening closed.


Make 2.

Row 1: Now working in rows, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch across, turn. (3 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, turn. (5 sc)

Row 3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, turn. (7 sc)

Row 4: Ch 1, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] 3 times, 2 sc in last sc, turn. (11 sc)

Row 5: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. Rows 6 & 7: Rep row 5. Row 8: Ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 7 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc, turn. (9 sc)

Row 9: Ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 5 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc, turn. (7 sc)

Row 10: Ch 1, sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc, leaving a 10inch length, fasten off. (5 sc)


Rnds 1 & 2: Rep rnds 1 and 2 of

Head. (12 sc)

Rnd 3: Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in each of next 6 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc. (18 sc)

Rnd 4: Sc in each of next 6 sc, 2 sc in each of next 6 sc, sc in each of next 6 sc. (24 sc)

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each sc around. Rnds 6–16: Rep rnd 5. Rnd 17: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around.

(18 sc) Rnd 18: Rep rnd 5. Rnd 19: [Sc in next sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (12 sc)

Rnd 20: Rep rnd 5. Stuff Body with fiberfill.

Rnd 21: [Sc dec in next 2 sc]

around, do not fasten

off. (6 sc)


Rnd 1: [Sc dec in next 2 sc] 3 times, weave hook through rem sts, yo, draw through to close opening, ch 12, fasten off.


Make 4. Rnd 1: Ch 2, 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook, place marker.

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around.

(8 sc)

Rnds 3–5: Sc in each sc around. At the end of rnd 5, join (see

Pattern Notes) in next sc, leaving 8-inch length of yarn, fasten off. Stuff Legs with fiberfill and sew to bottom of body.


Following manufactur­er’s directions for fusible web, trace pattern pieces on felt and cut out. Cut pieces from felt as follows: 1 small oval and 3 flowers from wisteria, 1 large oval and rectangle from blue snow and 6

leaves from pea soup. Use hole punch or templates below to cut 3 flower centers from buttercup and 59 circles from old gold. For Legs, glue 4 old gold circles evenly sp around to rnd 3 of each Leg. For the headpiece, sew 27 old gold circles to the large oval using very dark straw embroidery floss. Following manufactur­er’s directions for fusible web, use iron to heat bond the small oval to the large oval. Glue headpiece to top of Head. For blanket sew 8 old gold circles to each short side of the rectangle using very dark straw embroidery floss. Using 2 strands very light golden yellow embroidery floss, embroider a

1/4- inch backstitch border around edge. Following manufactur­er's directions for fusible web, use iron to heat bond 2 leaves slightly under each flower and a buttercup circle to center of each Flower. With 2 strands of ultra-light avocado green embroidery floss, embroider veins on each leaf. Following manufactur­er's directions for fusible web, use iron to heat bond flower to blanket. With 6 strands bright chartreuse, embroider French

knots (see illustrati­on) as desired on blanket. Glue blanket to Elephant’s back.

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