Crochet World

Cabin Retreat Throw

- Design by Katherine Eng



41 inches wide x 57 inches long, excluding Fringe


• Red Heart With Love medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (7 oz/ 370 yds/198g per skein): 2 skeins each #1601 lettuce

and #1502 iced aqua 1 skein each #1001 white, #1308 tan, #1805 bluebell and #1907 boysenberr­y • Size J/10/6mm crochet hook or

size needed to obtain gauge • Tapestry needle


Rows 1–4 = 2 inches


Throw is crocheted lengthwise from center out to sides. Chain-4 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet and chain-1 unless otherwise stated. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.


Shell: 3 dc in indicated st or sp. Double crochet join (dc join): Place a slip knot on hook, yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw up a lp, [yo and pull through both lps on hook] twice.

Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw up a lp, yo and draw through both lps on hook.



Row 1 (RS): With white, leaving 7-inch length at beg, ch 182, working in back bar of ch (see

illustrati­on), sc in 2nd ch from hook, *sk next ch, shell (see

Special Stitches) in next ch, sk next ch, sc in next ch, rep from * across. Leaving 7-inch length, fasten off. (46 sc, 45 shells)

Row 2 (WS): With WS facing and tan, leaving 7-inch length at beg, dc join (see Special

Stitches) in first sc, *ch 1, sc in center dc of next shell, ch 1, dc in next sc, rep from * across,

turn. (46 dc, 45 sc)

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first dc, *shell in next sc, sc in next dc, rep from * to * across, turn. (46 sc, 45 shells)

Row 4: Ch 4 (see Pattern Notes), sc in center dc of first shell, ch 1, dc in next sc, *ch 1, sc in center dc of next shell, ch 1, dc in next sc, rep from * across. Leaving 7-inch length, fasten off. (46 dc, 45 sc)

Row 5: With RS facing and bluebell, leaving 7-inch length at beg, sc join (see Pattern Stitch

es) in first dc, *shell in next sc, sc in next dc, rep from * to * across, turn. (46 sc, 45 shells)

Row 6: Ch 4, sc in center dc of first shell, ch 1, dc in next sc, *ch 1, sc in center dc of next shell, ch 1, dc in next sc, rep from * across, turn.

Row 7: Rep row 3. At end of row, leaving 7-inch length, fasten off.

Rows 8 & 9: With lettuce, rep rows 2 and 3. Row 10: Rep row 6.

Rows 11 & 12: Rep rows 3

and 4.

Row 13: With boysenberr­y, rep row 5. Row 14: Rep row 4. Row 15: With iced aqua, rep

row 5. Row 16: Rep row 4. Row 17: Rep row 3. Row 18: Rep row 6. Row 19: Rep row 3. At end of row, leaving 7-inch length, fasten off.

Rows 20 & 21: With white, rep rows 2 and 3. At the end of row 21, leaving 7-inch length, fasten off.

Rows 22–41: Rep rows 2–21. Do not fasten off at end of row 41.


Row 1 (WS): With WS facing,

ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc in first sc, *sc in center dc of next shell, shell in next sc, rep from * across to last sc, 2 dc in last sc. Leaving 7-inch length, fasten off.

Row 2 (RS): With RS facing and tan, leaving 7-inch length at beg, sc join in first dc, shell in next sc, *sc in center dc of next shell, shell in next sc, rep from * across to last dc, sc in last dc, turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 1, (sl st, ch 2, sl st) in center dc of next shell**, ch 1, sl st in next sc, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, ch 1, sc in last sc. Leaving 7-inch length, fasten off.


Row 1 (RS): With RS of First Side facing and white,

leaving 7-inch length at beg and working in opposite side of foundation ch, sc join in first ch of row 1, *sk next ch, shell in next ch, sk next ch, sc in next ch, rep from * across. Leaving 7-inch length, fasten off. (46 sc,

45 shells)

Rows 2–41: Rep rows 2–41 of

First Side.


Work same as Border of First Side.


Cut 14-inch lengths of yarn in colors to match ends of rows. For rows with fringe, cut 1 length; for rows without fringe, cut 2 lengths. Pull lengths through ends of rows, fold in half, and tie in an overhand knot. Arrange beg and rem lengths of each row and knot matching colors tog. Finger-comb the knotted Fringe and place evenly on a flat surface. Trim Fringe to 4 inches or desired length.

 ??  ?? Back Bar of Chain
Back Bar of Chain
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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