Crochet World

Rag-ety Rug

- Design by Jennifer Raymond


25 inches wide x 36 inches long


• Lily Sugar ’n Cream medium (worsted) weight cotton yarn (21/2 oz/120 yds/71g per ball): 5 balls #118 stonewash • Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge • Sharp tapestry needle • 2-inch wide denim strips (or other cotton rags): 44 yds • Measuring tape • Locking stitch marker


16 sc rows over fabric strips = 10 inches; 18 sc over fabric strips = 4 inches


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Single crochet stitches are worked around fabric strips. When working around the fabric strips, make sure to stretch the single crochet over the fabric, so it lies tidily and not clumped up. Strips at end of rows are folded back around for the next row, forming a continuous zigzag. If Rug bunches, slide the fabric through single crochets to make sure they lie flat. Every couple of rows, measure to make sure Rug maintains width of 25 inches.


When preparing fabric strips for use, strips can be prepared one of two ways: For tidier look, sew strips together at short ends at an angle, to create a long rag ball. Fold strips over twice and press with an iron to create a strip that is 1/2 inch wide. For more rustic look, simply crochet over the strips without pressing them or seaming them. When a strip ends, simply fold end of a new strip into middle of old strip and work over them.


Measure 36 inches in from end of first strip, holding 2 strands of yarn tog, fold yarn over strip, ch 1, work 100 sc toward beg of strip, distributi­ng sts evenly along strip, stop 11/2 inches from end. Fold strip over, 6 sc over doubled strip, place stitch marker. Work 6 sc in lp formed by strip. Now hold the strip so the side just worked is pointing toward ground, and work along other side of strip. Work 107 sc between sc on other side of strip. Fasten off. *Fold strip over to beg working next row, insert hook in first sc, draw lp through, holding both ends, ch 1, drop tail, ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-1, [sk next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, ch 1] 35 times, sk next 2 sts, 2 sc in st with stitch marker, fasten off,

do not turn.

Fold strip over and position it along next row to be worked, with unworked end pointing to the right. Insert hook in first sc, draw lp through and holding both ends, ch 1, drop tail, ch 1, sc in same first sc, ch 1, [sk next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, ch 1] 35 times, sk next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st with stitch marker, fasten off,

do not turn.

Rep from * until a total of 61 rows are completed.


Fold strip over to begin working next row. Insert hook in first sc, draw up a lp, holding both ends, ch 1, drop tail, ch 1, sc in first sc, ch 1, [sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st] across. Fasten off yarn. Leaving a 2-inch length of denim, cut and fold under to WS inserting underneath sc of previous row.


Using sharp tapestry needle, weave in ends, burying them in fabric strips. Block with steam or wet-block and allow to dry completely.

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