Crochet World

Greystones Cowl

- Design by Jennifer E. Ryan


Cowl is reversible with 3-button closure on both sides. When worn, facing Square would have right side facing out and opposite Square would have right side up against person’s neck. When flipped around so bottom Square faces out, right side should be automatica­lly showing. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-2 at beginning of round counts as first half double crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Front post treble crochet

(fptr): Yo twice, insert hook front to back to front again around vertical post of indicated st, yo, draw up lp, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] 3 times.



Row 1: Ch 27, work in back

bar of ch (see illustrati­on), sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch across, turn. (26 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. Row 3: Rep row 2.

Row 4 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first st, sk 3 sc on row 1, fptr (see Spe

cial Stitch) around next sc on row 1, sk 1 sc on row 3 directly behind fptr, sc in each of next 4 sts, fptr around sc next to last fptr worked in row 1, *sk 4 sc on row 1, fptr around next sc on row 1, sk next 2 sc on row 3, sc in each of next 4 sc, fptr around sc next to last fptr worked*, rep from * to * across until 2 sc rem, sk next sc, sc in last sc, turn. (8 fptr forming bottom half of 4 diamonds) Rows 5–7: Rep row 2.

Row 8 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first sc, sc in each of next 23 sts, *working in row 5, fptr around sc above next fptr from row 4, fptr around sc above next fptr in row 4 (forming top half of first diamond with fptr sts), working in sts of row 8, sk next 2 sc, sc in each of next 4 sts*, rep from * to * across until 5 sc rem, sk next 2 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, turn.

(4 diamonds completed) Row 9: Rep row 2.

Rows 10–16: Rep rows 2–8. Row 17: Rep row 2.

Rows 18–24: Rep rows 2–8. Row 25: Rep row 2.

Rows 26–28: Rep rows 2–4. At the end of last rep, fasten off. Lightly steam-block and dry completely.


Row 1 (WS): Ch 28, working in back bar of ch, dc in 3rd ch from hook (2 sk chs count as first hdc), dc in each of next 23 chs, hdc in last ch, turn. (24 dc, 2 hdc)

Row 2 (RS): Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), sk first st, [ fpdc (see Stitch Guide) around each

of next 3 sts, bpdc (see Stitch

Guide) around each of next 3 sts] 4 times, hdc in last hdc, turn. (2 hdc, 12 fpdc, 12 bpdc)

Row 3: Ch 2, [fpdc around each of next 3 sts, bpdc around each of next 3 sts] 4 times, hdc in last hdc, turn.

Row 4: Ch 2, [bpdc around each of next 3 sts, fpdc around each of next 3 sts] 4 times, hdc in last hdc, turn.

Rows 5 & 6: Rep row 4. Rows 7–9: Rep row 3. Rows 10–15: Rep rows 4–9. Rows 16–18: Rep rows 4–6. At the end of last rep, fasten off. Lightly steam-block and dry completely.


Following Placement Diagram, place WS of Basket-Weave Square on left and RS of Diamond Square on right. Join

(see Pattern Notes) yarn with

sl st to point A on Basket-Weave Square, ch 100, sl st to point B on Diamond Square.

Row 1: Working in back bar of ch, ch 1, hdc in each ch across, sl st in starting sl st on Basket-Weave Square, turn. Row 2: Working in back lp (see

Stitch Guide) of sts throughout, ch 1, hdc in each st across, sl st in same st as before, sl st in next st on Square, turn.

Rows 3–52: Rep row 2. At the end of last rep, fasten off.


Basket-Weave Square

Row 1: With RS of Square facing, join in first st on buttonhole edge at C, ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-1, [ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc in each of next 7 sts] twice, sc in next st, ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc in last st, ch 1, working across rem 2 sides of Square, sc in each st across side edge, ch 1 at corner, sc evenly sp across to next corner. Fasten off.

Row 2: Join yarn in first sc of row 1, working in all sts of row 1, ch 2, hdc in each sc, 3 hdc in each ch-3 sp and hdc in each corner ch-1 sp. Fasten off.

Diamond Square

Row 1: With RS of Square facing, join in first st at D, ch 1, work 27 sc across buttonhole edge, [ch 1 at corner, sc evenly sp across next edge] twice. Fasten off.

Row 2: Join in first st on buttonhole edge, ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-1, [ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc in each of next 7 sts] twice, sc in next st, ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc in last st, working across rem 2 sides, ch 1, at each corner, sc in each sc and each ch-1 sp. Fasten off.

Row 3: Join yarn in first sc of row 2, working in all sts of row 2, ch 2, hdc in each sc, 3 hdc in each ch-3 sp and hdc in each corner ch-1 sp. Fasten off.


Using yarn needle, sew on buttons following Placement Diagram.

With Cowl laid out as shown in Diagram, fold Diamond Square with RS facing up toward center of Cowl so that left-hand bottom corner is pointing straight down at center (Square now held as

a diamond shape). Fold BasketWeav­e Square that has WS facing up in toward center so that RS is now facing. Buttonhole­s should line up with buttons. Fasten closure. Flip Cowl over to see other side and fasten buttons (should have this Square with RS facing out). With sewing needle and gray sewing thread, sew snap to bottom corners of Squares to keep Squares lined up nicely.

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