Crochet World

Celtic Sunglasses Case

- Design by Jennifer E. Ryan

FINISHED MEASUREMEN­TS Case: 5 inches wide x 63/4 inches long Celtic Knot: 3 inches in diameter


• Lizbeth size 3 crochet cotton (120 yds per ball): 1 ball each #668 green orchid dk, #623 raspberry pink lt and #624 raspberry pink med

• Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

• Size 8/1.50mm steel crochet hook

• Embroidery needle

• 1/2-inch decorative button

• 5-inch square of corkboard or foam core board

• 20 straight sewing pins


8 pattern sts (sc, 2 dc) = 4 inches; 16 rows = 4 inches


For Celtic Knot use all yarn tails for Weaving the Knot. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Row 1: With raspberry pink lt and size 8 hook, ch 103, working in back bar (see illustrati­on) of ch, sc in 2nd ch and in each of next 9 chs, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch (first point—A), [sc in next 16 chs, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch] 4 times (making Points B,C, D, E), sc in each of next 16 chs, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch (Point F), sc in next 6 chs. Fasten off.


With RS facing and with size 8 hook, working in back lps (see Stitch Guide) only, join raspberry pink med with sl st in first sc of row 1, sl st in each st across, at each point work ch 1. Fasten off.


With size 8 hook and raspberry pink med, ch 44, working in back bar of ch, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch across, fasten off.


Place Celtic Knot Diagram on cork/foam board with pins. Lay Flower Petal cord along path of knot beg at * (asterisk).

Make sure to cross correctly either over or under according to diagram, pinning cord in place as work progresses. Lay Circle Cord along shaded path of knot starting at # also making sure to cross correctly either over or under. Pin all crossings and remove Celtic Knot from board. With WS facing and embroidery needle and yarn tails, sew cord ends tog. Note: These cord ends should be hidden under another section of cord that passes over. Secure all crossings from WS making sure not to have threads show on RS. Lightly steam-block knot and let dry completely.


Row 1: With size F hook and green orchid dk, ch 36, 2 dc in 3rd ch from hook, [sk next 2 chs, (sc, 2 dc) in next ch] across to last 3 chs, sk next 2 chs, sc in last ch, turn.

Row 2: Ch 2, 2 dc in 3rd st, [sk next 2 dc, (sc, 2 dc) in next sc] across, ending with sc in top of turning ch, turn.

Rows 3–27: Rep row 2. At the end of row 27, do not fasten off.


Fold case in half (bringing row 1 up to meet row 27) and join 2 sides tog with evenly sp sc down side, at corner work 2 sc and then continue working sc across short side of case (this will be

the bottom). At next corner, work 2 sc in corner st, sc up next side working in lps in sts along fold. Now at top opening of case, work sc along top row of front of case and continue working sc along the top row of the back, join (see

Pattern Notes) in first sc at top. Fasten off. Lightly steam-block and let dry completely. Using photo as a guide, sew Celtic Knot to top portion of case and sew button to center of Celtic Knot.

 ??  ?? This designer is known for her beautiful crocheted Celtic knot designs. Pretty and practical, this case features a simple knot, allowing you to learn the technique before taking on a more challengin­g project.
This designer is known for her beautiful crocheted Celtic knot designs. Pretty and practical, this case features a simple knot, allowing you to learn the technique before taking on a more challengin­g project.
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