Crochet World

Corner-to-Corner Pillow

- Design by Margret Willson


16 inches wide x 16 inches long


• Red Heart Super Saver medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (7 oz/ 364 yds/198g per skein): 1 skein each #334 buff, #406 medium thyme, #378 claret and #5851 denim

• Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

• Tapestry needle

• 16-inch pillow form


5 blocks measured horizontal­ly = 4 inches


Each Side is made of 4 double crochet blocks worked in diagonal rows. Rows increase by 1 block to the midpoint, then decrease by 1 block to opposite corner. Refer to Chart for number of blocks in each row and color changes. Begin by winding half of medium thyme and denim into separate balls. Wind several yards of buff into separate ball. Claret may be used directly from skein. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-6 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet and 3 chains unless otherwise stated. When changing colors, drop color not in use to wrong side of work, insert hook in next chain-3 space, yarn over new color and draw through chain-3 space and loop on hook. If color not in use is carried across wrong side of piece, align this yarn with chain-3 space and work double crochet stitches over it. Do not fasten off or cut any color not in use until no longer needed as indicated on Chart. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw up a lp, yo and pull through both lps on hook.

Shell: (Sc, ch 3, 2 dc in sc just made) in indicated st or sp.


Make 2. Row 1 (RS): With medium thyme, ch 6 (see Pattern Notes), dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each of next 2 chs, turn. (1 block)

Row 2: Ch 6, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each of next 2 chs, sl st in ch-3 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-3 sp, turn. (2 blocks)

Rows 3–9: Ch 6, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each of next 2 chs, (sl st, ch 3, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp of each block across, turn. (9 blocks) Rows 10–17: Ch 6, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each of next 2 chs, (sl st, ch 3, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp of each block across, changing colors (see Pattern Notes and Stitch Guide) as indicated in Chart, turn. (17 blocks at end of last row) Rows 18–32: Ch 1, sl st in first 3 dc, *sl st in next ch-3 sp**, ch 3, 3 dc in same sp, rep from * across, ending last rep at ** and changing colors as needed and indicated in Chart, turn. (2 blocks at end of last row) Row 33: Ch 1, sl st in first 3 dc, sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in same sp, sl st in last ch-3 sp. Fasten off. (1 block)


Rnd 1 (RS): With RS facing, sc join (see Special Stitches) buff in base of first dc in set-up row, ch 3, 2 dc in sc just made (shell made), sk next 2 dc, * shell (see Special Stitches) in each of next 16 sps between blocks to corner**, shell in first dc of last block at top corner, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join (see Pattern Notes) in beg sc. Fasten off. (68 shells)

Rnd 2: Sc join denim in first ch-3 sp, *2 sc in same sp, [sk 2 dc, 2 dc in sc of next shell, sc in next ch-3 sp] 17 times, rep from * around, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 3: Sc join claret in 2nd st of any 3-sc group, 2 sc in same st, *sc in each st to next 3-sc group**, 3 sc in 2nd sc of next 3-sc group, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


Using claret and holding pieces with WS tog, whipstitch (see illustrati­on) tog along 3 sides, insert pillow form, whipstitch rem side.

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 ??  ?? Popular charted afghan designs worked corner-to-corner are fun to make and offer tons of design options. If you have never tried this technique, start with this pillow and learn the basics.
Popular charted afghan designs worked corner-to-corner are fun to make and offer tons of design options. If you have never tried this technique, start with this pillow and learn the basics.
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