Crochet World

Variations Tapestry Tote

- Design by Margret Willson


113/4 inches wide x 123/4 inches long, excluding Handles


• Omega Sinfonia light (DK) weight cotton yarn (31/2 oz/218 yds/100g per skein): 2 skeins #833 deep blue,

1 skein #801 white • Size E/4/3.5mm crochet hook or

size needed to obtain gauge • Size C/2/2.75mm crochet hook

for Handles • Stitch marker • Row counter (optional)


Size E hook: 10 sc = 2 inches; 8 rnds in back lp tapestry crochet = 2 inches


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Do not join rounds unless otherwise indicated; place stitch marker to mark rounds. Move marker as work progresses. Do not chain-1 at beginning of rounds. Carry unused color across top of stitches and work over it until needed. To change colors, work last stitch of previous color until 2 loops remain on hook, yarn over with new color and complete single crochet stitch.

Tote is worked in rounds beginning with foundation single crochet. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


First foundation single crochet (first foundation sc): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, yo, draw lp through, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, draw through both lps on hook. Next foundation single crochet (next foundation sc): Insert hook in last ch-1 made, yo, draw up lp, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, draw through both lps on hook as indicated.


Foundation Row: With size E hook and blue work first foundation sc (see Special Stitches), work 61 next foundation sc (see Special Stitches), do not turn. (62 foundation sc)

Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, with blue working back along top side of row 1, sc in each st across, sc in end of row 1, sc in each sc across opposite side of row 1, sc in end of row, do not join, mark last st worked as first st of next rnd. (126 sts) Rnds 2–51: Working in back lp

(see Stitch Guide) only of each st around, change colors as indicated in chart. [Rep rnd 12 and rnds 2–20] twice and [rep rnd 12 and rnds 2–10] once.

Rnd 52: With blue only, working in back lp of sts only, sc in each st around. Fasten off.


Make 2.

Row 1: With size C hook and blue, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch across, turn. (6 sc) Rows 2–108: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. At the end of row 108, do not fasten off.


Rnd 1: Sc in same st as last sc, *now working across long edge of piece, sc in each row across to last row, 2 sc in last row, sc in each of next 4 sts**, 2 sc in next st, rep from * to **, join (see Pat

tern Notes), fasten off. (230 sc)


Using photo as guide, with length of blue, embroider backstitch (see illustrati­on), sew Handle to each top edge of Tote.

 ??  ?? Tapestry crochet gives you the ability to add geometric designs to your crochet. Using 2 or more colors and single crochet, you can create visually appealing designs that are fun to work.
Tapestry crochet gives you the ability to add geometric designs to your crochet. Using 2 or more colors and single crochet, you can create visually appealing designs that are fun to work.
 ??  ?? EASY
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Next Foundation Single Crochet
Next Foundation Single Crochet
 ??  ?? First Foundation Single Crochet
First Foundation Single Crochet
 ??  ?? Backstitch

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