Crochet World

Sweet Baby Blanket

- Design by Rose Tussing


24 inches wide x 31 inches long


• King Cole Cherish DK light (DK) weight acrylic yarn (31/2 oz/ 273 yds/100g per ball): 3 balls #1597 candy floss

• King Cole Cherished DK light (DK) weight acrylic yarn (31/2 oz/ 273 yds/100g per ball): 1 ball #1418 pale blue

• Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook

• Tapestry needle


Size H hook: 22 sts = 4 inches; 22 rows = 4 inches


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. Chain-2 at beginning of round counts as first half double crochet unless otherwise stated.


Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw up a lp, yo and pull through both lps on hook.


With size G hook and candy floss, ch 120.

Row 1 (RS): With size H hook, sc in 2nd ch from hook, [ch 1, sk next ch, sc in next ch] across, turn. (60 sc, 59 ch-1 sps)

Row 2 (WS): Ch 1, sc in first sc and next ch-1 sp, [ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, sc in next sc] across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn. (61 sc, 58 ch-1 sps) Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, [ch 1, sk next ch, sc in next sc] across, turn. (60 sc, 59 ch-1 sps) Rep rows 2 and 3 until Body is 28 inches long.


Rnd 1 (RS): With size G hook and RS facing, sc join (see

Special Stitch) blue in first st, 2 sc in same st, sc in each sc and ch-1 sp across to last sc, 3 sc in last sc, working in ends of rows, work 122 sc evenly sp down first side, working in opposite ends of foundation chs, 3 sc in first ch, sc in each ch across to last ch, 3 sc in last ch, working in ends of rows, work 122 sc evenly sp up other side, join (see Pattern

Notes) in beg sc, do not turn. (478 sc along sides, 3 sc in each corner) Rnd 2: With size H hook, ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), *[( bphdc— see Stitch Guide, fphdc— see Stitch Guide) around next sc] 3 times, [bphdc around next sc, fphdc around next sc] around** to next 3-sc group, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in top of beg ch-2. (490 hdc along sides, 6 hdc in each corner)

Rnd 3: Ch 2, [bphdc around each bphdc, fphdc around each fphdc] around, working 2 bphdc around each bphdc and 2 fphdc around each fphdc in center 4 hdc of 6 hdc in each corner, join in top of beg ch-2. Fasten off. (514 hdc)

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