Crochet World

Jacob's Ladder Cabled Throw

- Design by Pia Thadani


Form cables, if desired, as work progresses to ensure that cables are made correctly and to avoid ripping and redoing. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-2 at beginning of row counts as first half double crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Refer to tutorial on page 22. Each cable is formed from 2 adjacent columns of lps.

Step 1: Working up from row 1, with 1 cable at a time, twist first lp in right column 1/2 turn clockwise, then pull 2nd lp in left column through it.

Step 2: Twist first lp in left column 1/2 turn counterclo­ckwise and pull 2nd lp in right column through it.

Step 3: Without twisting either lp, pull next lp in left column through current lp in right column.

Step 4: Without twisting either lp, pull next lp in right column through current lp in left column. Rep last 2 steps until all lps are worked. Last, smaller lps should be at top. Cross last left lp over last right lp, and secure both lps in place with markers.

THROW Ch 133.

Row 1 (RS): Hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg sk chs count as first

hdc) and in next 4 chs, ch 11, hdc in next 2 chs, ch 11, [hdc in next 15 chs, ch 11, hdc in next 2 chs, ch 11] 7 times, hdc in last 5 chs. (131 hdc, 16 ch-11 lps) Row 2: Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), turn, working in front of ch-11 lps, hdc in each st across. (131 hdc)

Row 3: Ch 2, turn, hdc in first 5 sts, ch 11, hdc in next 2 sts, ch 11, [hdc in next 15 sts, ch 11, hdc in next 2 sts, ch 11] 7 times, hdc in last 5 sts. (131 hdc, 16 ch-11 lps)

Rows 4–125: [Rep rows 2 and 3] 61 times, forming Cables (see Special Technique and Pattern

Notes) as work progresses or at end of row 128. Row 126: Rep row 2. Row 127: Ch 2, turn, hdc in first 5 sts, ch 7, hdc in next 2 sts, ch 7, [hdc in next 15 sts, ch 7, hdc in next 2 sts, ch 7] 7 times, hdc in last 5 sts. (131 hdc, 16 ch-7 lps) Row 128: Rep row 2.


Note: Remove markers as lps are secured to hdc.

Row 1 (RS): Ch 2, hdc in first 5 sts, [hdc through next lp and next st tog] twice, *hdc in next 15 sts, [hdc through next lp and next st tog] twice, rep from * 6 times, hdc in last 5 sts. (131 hdc) Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across.


Ch 1, turn, 3 sc in first st, sc in each st across to last st, 3 sc in last st, working in ends of rows of first side, work 162 sc evenly sp to bottom corner, working in opposite side of foundation ch, 3 sc in first ch, sc in each ch across to last ch, 3 sc in last ch, working in ends of rows of other side, work 162 sc evenly sp to first st, join (see Pattern Notes) in first st, fasten off. CW

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