Crochet World

Celtic Diamond Wrap

- Design by Bonnie Barker


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Low Front Ridge Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, working in

the front lp only (see Stitch Guide), sl st in next st and in each st across, turn. Row 2: Ch 1, working in rem lp 2 rows below, sc in each st across, turn.

Cable Stitch

Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc, turn and work sc in each ch of the ch-3 just made, sl st in the next sc (1 cable made), turn; working behind the cable, sc in each of the 2 sk sc, sk the sc that was made after the ch-3; rep from * across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn.

Note: In the next row, do not work into the 3 sc of the cables. Push the cables toward the RS of your project as you work.

Row 2 (WS): Ch 1, sc in first sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, sk next sc, rep from * across to last sc, sc in last st, turn. Knurl Row 1: Working in the front lp of the previous sc row, reverse sc (see Stitch Guide) across to last st, sl st in last sc of row. Do not turn. Row 2: Ch 1, working in the rem back lps (see Stitch Guide) 2 rows below, sc in first sc and in each sc across, turn. Diamond Stitch Rows 1–3: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. Row 4 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first st,

fptr (see Stitch Guide) around 5th sc 3 rows below, sk next sc of current row, sc in next 4 sc on current row, *fptr around sc 3 rows below next to last tr worked**, sk 4 sc 3 rows below, fptr around next sc 3 rows below, sk next 2 sc on current row, sc in next 4 sc on current row, rep from * across row, ending last rep at **, sk next sc of current row, sc in last st, turn.

Rows 5–7: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.

Row 8 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first 3 sts, fptr around 2nd sc 3 rows below (right above tr of previous

diamond row), sk next 4 sc 3 rows below, fptr around next sc 3 rows below, *on current row, sk 2 sc**, sc in next 4 sts, working on lower row, tr around sc next to last tr, sk 4 sc, tr around next sc, rep from * across row, ending last rep at **, sc in last 3 sc, turn.

Shadow Box

Row 1: Ch 2, dc in first 3 sts, [sk next 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, working behind last 2 sts, tr in 2 sk sts, sk next 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, working in front of last 2 sts, tr in 2 sk sts, dc in next 2 sts] across, dc in last st, turn.

Row 2: Ch 2, dc in first 3 dc, [sk 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, working in front of last 2 sts, tr in 2 sk sts, sk 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, working behind last 2 sts, tr in 2 sk sts, dc in next 2 sts] across, dc in last st, turn.


Ch 255.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (254 sts) Row 2: Sc in each st across, turn. Rows 3 & 4: Work Low Front Ridge (see Pattern Stitches) rows 1 and 2. Rows 5 & 6: Work Cable Stitch (see Pattern Stitches) rows 1 and 2. Rows 7 & 8: Work Low Front Ridge rows 1 and 2. Row 9: Rep row 2. Rows 10 & 11: Work Knurl (see Pattern Stitches) rows 1 and 2. Row 12: Rep row 2. Rows 13–18: Rep rows 3–8. Rows 19–29: Work Diamond Stitch (see Pattern Stitches) rows 2–8, then rep Diamond Stitch rows 1–4. Row 30: Rep row 2. Rows 31–36: Rep rows 3–8.

Rows 37 & 38: Work Shadow Box (see Pattern Stitches) rows 1 and 2. Rows 39 & 40: Rep row 2. Rows 41–46: Rep rows 3–8. Rows 47–58: Rep rows 19–30. Rows 59–74: Rep rows 3–18. Row 75: Rep row 2. Do not fasten off. Continue on to finishing.


With RS facing, *ch 1, rotate to work along row ends, [sc, ch 1] 35 times evenly across, sc in last row end, ch 1, working in unworked lps of foundation ch, sl st in each st across, rep from * once more, join (see Pattern

Notes) in first st of rnd, fasten off.

Knotted Fringe

Cut 24-inch-long strands of yarn. Use 5 strands per tassel in every other ch-1 sp across ends. Fold strands in half, insert hook in ch-1 sp, pull yarn through about 1 inch, place all strands over hook and pull through. Pull strands to secure. Knot again approximat­ely 1 inch lower using half of the strands from each tassel.

 ??  ?? Textural stitches create classic cable designs on this luxurious fringed wrap. Worked row by row, this design will mesmerize you as you crochet one cable after another.
Textural stitches create classic cable designs on this luxurious fringed wrap. Worked row by row, this design will mesmerize you as you crochet one cable after another.
 ??  ??

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