Crochet World

Nordic Winter Afghan

- Design by Jonah's Hands, LLC

PATTERN NOTES Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. SPECIAL STITCH Bobble: Yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through 2 lps (2 lps on hook), [yo, insert hook in same st, yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through 2 lps] 3 times (5 loops on hook), yarn over, draw through all 5 lps. AFGHAN With white, ch 95. Row 1 (RS): Dc in 4th ch from hook (beg 3 sk chs count as first dc) and in each ch across, turn. (93 dc) Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc in each st across, turn. Row 3: Rep row 2. Row 4: Rep row 2, change color (see Stitch Guide) to berry red in last st, turn.

Row 5: Rep row 2, change color to white, turn.

Row 6: Rep row 2, change color to berry red. Rows 7 & 8: Rep rows 5 & 6. Row 9: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. (93 sc) Row 10: Ch 3, bobble (see Special Stitch) in next st, [ch 1, sk next st, bobble in next st] across to last st, dc in beg sc, turn. (2 dc, 46 bobbles, 45 ch-1 sps) Row 11: Ch 1, sc in each st and ch-1 sp across, turn. (93 sc) Rows 12 & 13: Rep rows 10 and 11, change color to white at end of last row. Rows 14–30: Rep row 2, change color to emerald at end of last row. Rows 31 & 32: Rep row 2, change color to white at end of last row. Rows 33 & 34: Rep row 2, change color to emerald at end of last row. Row 35: Rep row 9. Rows 36–43: [Rep rows 10 and 11] 4 times, change color to white at end of last row. Rows 44 & 45: Rep row 2, change color to emerald at end of last row. Rows 46 & 47: Rep row 2, change color to white at end of last row. Rows 48–62: Rep row 2, change color to berry red. Rows 63–67: Rep rows 9–13. Rows 68–71: [Rep rows 4 & 5] twice. Rows 72–75: Rep row 2. At end of last row, fasten off. Edging rnd: With RS facing,

join (see Pattern Notes) emerald in end of row 2, working in ends of rows of sides, in sts of top edge and in opposite side of foundation chs, sl st evenly sp around, join in beg sl st. Fasten off. FINISHING Tassel Make 4. Cut 32 12-inch strands of emerald. Hold 31 strands tog and fold in half. Wrap rem strand tightly around strands, 1 inch below fold, to create a “neck.” Tie a knot and weave ends in through center of Tassel. With WS facing, tie to corner of Throw through any strand at top of Tassel. Trim ends evenly to desired length. CW

Designed exclusivel­y for Crochet World readers, Jonah's afghan is just right for a cozy evening by the fire!

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