Crochet World

Floral Hexagon Throw


6 ch-2 sps, ch 2*, (sc, ch 4, sc) in ch-2 sp of next V-st] 4 times, ending last rep at *, join in beg sc. Fasten off. (48 sc, 35 ch-2 sps, 7 ch-2 joins, 4 ch-4 sps, 2 ch-4 joins)

Rnd 9 (2-edge join): Sl st in ch-2 sp of first V-st, ch 1, (sc, ch 4, sc) in same sp, (ch 2, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2, (sc, ch-4 join, sc) in ch-2 sp of next V-st*, (ch-2 join, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2] 3 times, ending last rep at *, [(ch 2, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2**, (sc, ch 4, sc) in ch-2 sp of next V-st] 3 times, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. Fasten off. (48 sc, 28 ch-2 sps, 14 ch-2 joins, 3 ch-4 sps, 3 ch-4 joins) Rnd 9 (3-edge join): Sl st in ch-2 sp of first V-st, ch 1, (sc, ch 4, sc) in same sp, (ch 2, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2, (sc, ch-4 join, sc) in ch-2 sp of next V-st*, (ch-2 join, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2] 4 times, ending last rep at *, [(ch 2, sc) in each of next 6 ch-2 sps, ch 2**, (sc, ch 4, sc) in ch-2 sp of next

V-st] 2 times, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. Fasten off. (48 sc, 21 ch-2 sps, 21 ch-2 joins, 4 ch-4 sps, 2 ch-4 joins)


Note: Refer to Placement Diagram for placement of first join and for correct number of ch-2 sps on each edge.

Rnd 1 (RS): With RS facing, join navy in indicated ch-4 sp at bottom corner, ch 1, V-st in same sp, [ch 2, sk next sc, sc in next sc] 7 times, ch 2, V-st in next ch-4 sp, *rep between [ ] 7 times, ch 1, sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 ch-2 sps at seam, ch 1, sc in next ch-2 sp***, rep between [ ] 6 times, ch 2, V-st in next ch-4 sp**, rep from * to ** 5 times, rep between [ ] 7 times, ch 2, V-st in outer corner ch-4 sp, {rep from * to *** once, rep between [ ] 6 times, ch 1, sc dec in next 2 ch-2 sps at seam, ch 1, sc in next ch-2 sp, rep between [ ] 6 times, ch 2, V-st in next ch-4 sp, rep between [ ] 7 times, ch 2, V-st in next ch-4 sp} 3 times, rep from * around, ch 2, join in beg sc. (380 ch-2 sps—8 ch-2 sps across each top and bottom edge of rows 1, 3, 5 and 7, 6 ch-2 sps across each top and bottom edge of rows 2, 4 and 6, 7 ch-2 sps on each diagonal edge)

Rnd 2: With size I hook, sl st in first ch-2 sp, ch 1, V-st in same sp, [V-st in each ch-2 sp around* to next sc dec, sc in next sc dec] around, ending last rep at *, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

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