Crochet World

Ibiza Breeze Scarf

- Design by Kenneth Cormier

Design by Kenneth Cormier


Width: 5 inches

Length: 541/2 inches including fringe


• Premier Yarns Cotton

Fair fine (sport) weight cotton/acrylic yarn (31/2 oz/317 yds/100g per ball):

1 ball #27-24 coral

• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or

size needed to obtain gauge • Tapestry needle

GAUGE 6 rows = 4 inches PATTERN NOTES

Weave in loose ends as work progresses.

Scarf is worked in 2 sections. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated. Chain-5 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet and 2 chains unless otherwise stated.

Chain-6 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet and 3 chains unless otherwise stated.

Join with sl st as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Large shell (lg shell): Work 9 dc in designated st or ch.

Medium shell (med shell):

Work 5 dc in designated st or ch.

2 treble cluster (2-tr cl): *Yo twice and draw up lp in designated st, (yo and draw through 2 lps) twice; rep from * once and draw through all lps on hook.


Row 1 (RS): Ch 28, 4 dc in 4th ch from hook (counts as med

shell), sk next 2 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, ch 6, sk next 3 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, sk next 2 chs, lg shell (see Special

Stitches) in next ch, sk next 2 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, ch 6, sk next 3 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, sk next 2 chs, med shell (see Special Stitches) in last ch, turn. (2 med shells, 1 lg shell, 8 sc, 2 ch-6 sps)

Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), 2 dc in first dc, 2-tr cl

(see Special Stitches) in 3rd ch of ch-6, ch 5, 2-tr cl in 4th ch of same ch-6, med shell in 5th dc of next lg shell, (2-tr cl, ch 5, 2-tr cl) in 4th ch of ch-6, 3 dc in top of beg ch-3, turn. (4 2-tr cl, 1 med shell, 6 dc) Row 3: Ch 6 (see Pattern

Notes), sc in 3rd dc, sc in first 2-tr cl, lg shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, sc in next 2-tr cl, sc in next dc, ch 6, sk next 3 dc, sc in last dc of shell, sc in next 2-tr cl, lg shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, dc in next 2-tr cl, sc in next dc, ch 3, sk next dc, dc in top of beg ch-3, turn. (2 lg shells, 8 sc, 2 dc)

Row 4: Ch 5 (see Pattern Notes), 2-tr cl in 2nd ch of ch-3, med shell in 5th dc of lg shell, 2-tr cl in 3rd ch of ch-6, ch 5, 2-tr cl in 4th ch of same ch-6, med shell in 5th dc of lg shell, sk 1 ch of beg ch-6, 2-tr cl in next ch, ch 2, sk 1 ch, dc in next ch, turn. (4 2-tr cl, 2 med shells)

Row 5: Ch 3, 4 dc in first dc, sk next ch-2 sp, sc in 2-tr cl, sc in first dc of shell, ch 6, sk next 3 dc, sc in last dc of shell, sc in next 2-tr cl, lg shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, sc in next 2-tr cl, sc in first dc of shell, sk next 3 dc, sc in last dc of shell, sc in next 2-tr cl, sk next 2 chs of beg ch-5, med shell in next ch, turn. (2 med shells, 1 lg shell)

Rows 6–37: Rep [rows 2–5] 8 times. Row 38: Rep row 2. Row 39: Ch 6, sc in 3rd dc, sc in first 2-tr cl, lg shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, sc in next 2-tr cl, sc in next dc, ch 5, sk next 3 dc, sc in last dc of shell, sc in next 2-tr cl, lg shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, dc in next 2-tr cl, sc in next dc, ch 3, sk next dc, dc in top of beg ch-3, turn. (2 lg shells, 8 sc, 2 dc) Row 40: Ch 3, 2 dc in first dc, ch 3, sc in 5th dc of lg shell, ch 3, med shell in 3rd ch of ch-5, ch 3, sc in 5th dc of lg shell, ch 3, sk 3 chs of beg ch-6, 3 dc in next ch. Fasten off. (6 dc, 2 sc, 1 med shell)


Row 1: Working on opposite side of beg ch with RS facing, sl st in ch at base of med shell, 3 ch, 3 dc in same ch as sl st, sk next 2 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, ch 6, sk next 3 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, sk next 2 chs, lg shell in ch at base of lg shell, sk next 2 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, ch 6, sk next 3 chs, sc in each of next 2 chs, sk next 2 chs, med shell in last ch, turn. (2 med shells, 1 lg shell, 8 sc, 2 ch-6 sps)

Rep rows 2–40 of First Section. Fasten off.


Row 1: With WS facing and working in ends of rows, join (see Pattern Notes) in first row of upper right-hand corner, ch 1,

2 sc in same st as join, (ch 1, 2 sc in next row) across, turn. (160 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first sc, hdc in next sc, sk ch-1 sp, [sc in next sc, hdc in next sc, sk ch-1 sp] to last 2 sc, sc in each of last 2 sc. Fasten off.

Rep for other long edge.


Place a fringe on left and right corners of short ends and 3 more evenly sp between them for 5 fringes on each short end of scarf.

Cut 30 12-inch lengths of yarn. Fold 3 lengths in half, insert hook from back to front in designated st, grab folded end with hook and pull partially through lp, insert cut ends through lp and gently tighten.

 ??  ?? Treble clusters elongate pretty shell stitches giving this summer scarf a lacy look. Crocheted from the center to the ends, the final row of shells provides the perfect place to attach flirty fringe!
Treble clusters elongate pretty shell stitches giving this summer scarf a lacy look. Crocheted from the center to the ends, the final row of shells provides the perfect place to attach flirty fringe!

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