Crochet World

Top & Bottom Border


Row 4: With linen, ch 3, dc in next and each st across, do not turn. (72 dc)

Row 5: Join silver heather, ch 3, dc in next and each st across, place stitch holder in last dc, do not turn.

Row 6: With linen, sl st to top of beg ch-3 of row 5, (ch 1, sc) in same st, ch 3, sk next 2 dc, sc between 3rd and 4th dc, *ch 3, sk next 3 dc, sc between sk dc and next dc, rep from * across, ending with ch 3, sk next 2 dc, sc in last dc, place stitch holder in last sc, turn. (24 ch-3 sps, 25 sc) Row 7: With silver heather, sl st to first ch-3 sp, (ch 3, 2 dc) in ch-3 sp, 3 dc in each ch-3 sp across, place stitch holder in last dc, do not turn. (72 dc)

Row 8: With linen, sl st to top of first dc of row 7, (ch 1, sc) in same st, *ch 3, sk next 2 dc, sc between 3rd and 4th dc, rep from * across, ending with ch 3, sk next 2 dc, sc in last dc, place stitch holder in last sc, turn.

(24 ch-3 sps, 25 sc)

Rows 9 & 10: Rep rows 7 and 8, fasten off linen.

Row 11: Rep row 7, fasten off silver heather.

Rows 12–14: Rep rows 2–4.

Rep rows 1–14 on 2nd side of center motif piece.

Rep row 1 of Center Piece on one side of both 2nd and 3rd motif strips.


Join 2nd and 3rd motif strips to each side of center strip as follows:

With RS facing, match one edge of center piece and one edge of motif strip, whipstitch edges tog through back lps (see illustrati­on) using approximat­ely 60 inches of linen, rep for 2nd edge of center piece.

Note: It is important to have the correct number of dc at the end of the first border row. There should be 111 along each side and 72 along the top and bottom. If you find you have 1 or 2 fewer or more, simply adjust by adding or subtractin­g dc as needed. There is no need to undo the entire row. Rnd 1:

Bottom: Join shadow in any corner ch-3 sp, ch 3, *[ MBSS (see Pattern Stitch), 2 dc in next ch-3 sp] across to next motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last ch-3 sp. (72 dc along bottom)

Side 1: Ch 3, rotate piece to work along side, *dc in same ch-3 sp as last 2 dc, MBSS, 2 dc in next ch-3 sp, 2 dc in next dc, 2 dc in joining of center piece and motif strip (2 dc in joining not applicable for 2nd rep), 2 dc around edge of each dc and dc around edge of each sc of next 14 (13 for 2nd rep) rows, rep from * to next joining, 2 dc in joining, 2 dc around edge of next dc, dc in next ch-3 sp, MBSS, dc in next ch-3 sp. (111 dc along side) Top: Ch 3, rotate piece to work across top, dc in next ch-3 sp, *[MBSS, 2 dc in next ch-3 sp] across to next motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last ch-3 sp. (72 dc along top)

Side 2: Rep Side 1, ch 3, join in top of beg ch-3, fasten off. (111 dc along side, 366 dc total) Rnd 2: Join linen in any corner ch-3 sp, ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc) in corner ch-3 sp, *ch 3, sk next 3 dc, sc between sk dc and next dc, rep from * around, working (sc, ch 3, sc) in each corner ch-3 sp, fasten off. (36 sc along each side, 23 sc along top and bottom, 2 sc in each corner)

Rnd 3: Join silver heather in any corner ch-3 sp, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in corner ch-3 sp, 3 dc in each ch-3 sp around, working (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in each corner ch-3 sp, fasten off. (37 groups of 3 dc along each side, 24 groups of 3 dc along top and bottom, 2 groups of 3 dc in each corner) Rnds 4 & 5: Rep rnds 2 and 3, fasten off silver heather. (39 groups of 3 dc along each side, 26 groups of 3 dc along top and bottom, 2 groups of 3 dc in each corner)

Rnd 6: Rep rnd 2, fasten off linen. (40 sc along each side,

27 sc along top and bottom, 2 sc in each corner)

Rnd 7: Join brick in any corner ch-3 sp, ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc) in each ch-3 sp around, including corners, fasten off. (41 ch-3 sps along each side, 28 across the top and bottom, 1 in each corner)


Weave in any rem ends. Block.

 ?? ?? Whipstitch Edges Through Back Loops
Whipstitch Edges Through Back Loops

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