Cruising World

Colgate Sailing Adventures™

Learn to Sail | Performanc­e | Racing | Cruising | Passage Making Courses Family Learn and Sail Adventures | Leadership and Team Building Getaways Flotilla Cruise Adventures All Over the World Go-for-the-gold Racing Clinics with Expert Coaches Florida and

- 'DYLG DQG 6DUD 6PLWK ZLWK $P\ DQG 0DU\ 0DVVH\ 6DUD¶V VLVWHU DQG PRP Indian Harbor Beach, Florida - Fast Track to Cruising &RXUVH ± 0D\

“My experience with Offshore Sailing School was nothing but spectacula­r!

Our dreams of learning to sail a Catamaran came to fruition through Fast Track to Cruisingtm, an 8-day live aboard course. The ¿UVW GD\V ZH OHDUQHG WKH EDVLFV RI VDLOLQJ RQ D ¶ &ROJDWH ,W ZDV D IXQ ERDW WR VDLO DQG LW JDYH XV WKH FRQ¿GHQFH IRU WKH QH[W

GD\V DERDUG D ¶ /HRSDUG FDWDPDUDQ :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR WDNLQJ their Coastal Passage Making and Coastal Navigation courses.

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