Cuisine at Home



Radishes come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties. All hail from the mustard family, hence their peppery bite, which ranges in intensity according to type, age, and growing season. There are two categories — spring and winter — most are available year-round.

are the most common in the U.S. They’re usually sliced thin and eaten raw in salads. The similar radishes can be white, pink, red, or purple, and often sold as a mixed bunch. (Chinese white radishes) are carrot shaped and the most common large variety. They’re often pickled, cooked, or grated raw.

(beauty heart) have a stunning bright red to magenta center. Unlike many other radishes, their intensity decreases with maturity. are mild and have an elongated shape. Fresh is a type of radish, too. It’s known for its pungency.

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