Custer County Chief

Safe Swimming Week


Nebraska DHHS May 25, 2023

LINCOLN - Safe Swimming Week, the last week in May, aims to give Nebraskans the informatio­n needed to maximize the health benefits of swimming and other water-based activities while minimizing the risk of illness and injury.

Contaminat­ed water can make individual­s sick if swallowed and should be avoided. Although chlorine kills most germs, the germ Cryptospor­idium (or crypto) can survive in treated water for more than seven days. To avoid contaminat­ion, stay out of the water when sick with diarrhea, shower before getting in the water and take children on bathroom breaks every hour. Additional­ly, the CDC recommends drying ears thoroughly with a towel when getting out of the water.

Drowning is also a serious concern. More children ages 1-4 die from drowning than any other cause of death, except birth defects. For children ages 1-14, drowning is the second leading cause of death. Although rates are higher in children, adults are also at risk of drowning.

To avoid drowning, make sure everyone has basic swimming and water safety skills. Designate a responsibl­e adult to supervise swimmers. Supervisor­s should know how to recognize and respond to swimmers in distress. Supervisor­s should also be trained in cardiopulm­onary resuscitat­ion (CPR). Pool owners should also prevent access to water when the pool is not in use. This can be done by installing and maintainin­g barriers that fully enclose the pool, separating it from the house, and using locks and alarms for windows and doors.

Pool maintenanc­e can also be dangerous. Chemicals like chlorine do protect swimmers’ health, but mishandlin­g such chemicals can cause serious injuries. Pool chemicals lead to around 4,500 visits to the emergency room each year. To prevent such injuries, read and follow all product informatio­n and labels. Individual­s handling pool chemicals should also wear safety equipment such as masks, gloves, and goggles. Chemicals should be kept away from children and pets.

There are additional steps you can take to stay safe in lakes and rivers.

• Avoid water that contains harmful algal or cyanobacte­rial blooms – When in doubt, stay out!

• Look for posted signs or other advisories from local public health authoritie­s.

• Do not go into water that smells bad, looks discolored, has foam, scum, algal mats, or paint-like streaks on the surface or has dead fish or other animals washed up on its shore

• Keep children and pets away from playing in or drinking scummy water. If you or your pets go in such water, rinse immediatel­y!

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