Custer County Chief

Custer County Chief

- Rodney W. Sonnichsen, Mayor ATTEST: Kandi K. Peters, City Clerk

the vacant position of East Ward City Councilmem­ber. Roll Call vote, Voting aye: Myers, Holland, and Baltz. Nays: None. Motion carried.

The Meeting was adjourned Sine Die at 6:08 pm.

The Oath of Office was administer­ed to East Ward Councilmem­ber Russ Smith by City Administra­tor David Schmidt.

Mayor Rod Sonnichsen called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm, with the following Councilmem­bers present: Chris Myers, David Baltz, Paul Holland, and Russ Smith. Absent: None.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Holland, to elect David Baltz for Council President. Mayor Sonnichsen asked Baltz if he accepted. Councilmem­ber Baltz accepted. Roll Call vote: Voting aye: Myers, Holland, and Smith. Nays: None. Abstain: Baltz. Motion carried.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Baltz, to open a public hearing at 6:14 pm regarding Ordinance 1269, Amending 20222023 Wage Ordinance. Roll Call vote: Voting aye: Myers, Baltz, Holland, and Smith. Nays: None. Motion carried. City Administra­tor Schmidt explained the only change being made was updating the Ordinance to match minimum wage that was changed January 1, 2023, from $9.00 to $10.50. Moved by Holland, seconded by Myers, to close the public hearing at 6:16 pm regarding Ordinance 1269, Amending 2022-2023 Wage Ordinance. Roll Call vote: Voting aye: Holland, Myers, Smith and Baltz. Nays: None. Motion carried.

After discussing the matter, Councilmem­ber Holland introduced Ordinance No. 1269 entitled “AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA, AMENDING THE SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; PAY PLAN FOR ALL CLASSIFACA­TIONS WITHIN THE CITY; AND MONTHLY SALARY OR HOURLY WAGE RANGES FOR EACH INDIVIUAL CLASSIFACA­TION.” and moved that the statutory rule requiring reading on the final reading be suspended. Councilmem­ber Myers seconded the motion. The Mayor stated the motion and instructed the Clerk to call the roll. The Clerk called the roll, and the following was the vote” Ayes: Holland, Myers, Smith, and Baltz. Nays: None. Motion carried. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three-fourths of the Council and the statutory rule was declared suspended for considerat­ion of said Ordinance. Said Ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Councilmem­ber Baltz moved for final passage of the Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Councilmem­ber Holland. The Mayor stated the question, “Shall Ordinance No. 1269 be passed and adopted?” Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows, Ayes: Baltz, Holland, Smith, and Myers. Nays: None. Motion carried. The passage and adoption of said Ordinance having been concurred by a majority of all members of the Council, the Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Smith, to approve the Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) with Jennie M. Melham Memorial Medical Center. This agreement will remain in effect for one (1) year and will be renewed automatica­lly unless or until it is modified or terminated by either party with thirty (30) days prior notice to the modificati­on or terminatio­n. The purpose of the MOU is for each party to collaborat­e and cooperate with the other to assist and provide mutual aid during a disaster either natural or man-made that could exceed the resources of that facility. Roll Call vote: Voting aye: Myers, Smith, Holland, and Baltz. Nays: None. Motion carried.

In the Mayor and Council comments Councilmem­ber Myers and Mayor Sonnichsen both expressed their gratitude to the Fire Department and City employees appreciati­ng all they do.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Holland, to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 6:20 pm. Roll Call vote: Voting aye: Myers, Holland, Smith, and Baltz. Nays: None. Motion carried.

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