Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Letters to the editor »


Unhoused solutions: utilize existing places

Re: “Homelessne­ss — Clearing of camps raises concerns” (April 7):

The “majority of L.A. County residents say removing people shouldn’t happen without local shelter availabili­ty.” Residents keep complainin­g about unavailabi­lity of housing facing unhoused individual­s, insisting there is not enough adequate housing. What about the shuttered military bases and L.A. County Probation Department’s closed probation camps? The bases and camps both provide dormitorie­s and kitchens. Also, the shuttered military bases could provide enough amenities to provide shelter on a permanent basis. Instead of renting hotel rooms and trying to build affordable housing why not try and utilize existing unused facilities?

— Charles Bradford,

Santa Clarita

Oscars: Who cares?

Re “Will the Oscars be a ‘who cares’ moment as ratings dive?” (April 8):

I gave up watching the Academy Awards years ago when the actors thought that we viewers cared about their political and/or social viewpoints. Just because you can read a script, enroll us in a story and look elegant on the red carpet doesn’t mean we want to see you climb on a soapbox and lecture us about topics that you often know nothing about. On the plus side, the Oscars typically are held the last week in February, which meant that while others were glued to the TV, my husband and I scored a very good table to celebrate our anniversar­y.

— Kathy Gonzalez, Redondo Beach

Bruce’s Beach

Re “Council stops short of an apology” (April 8):

Your front-page article regarding our City Council’s decision to issue a condemnati­on rather than an apology for eminent domain proceeding­s enacted by the city 100 years ago that displaced the Bruces and other families presents an inaccurate account of events.

The lie of omission is the willful failure to mention the numerous White landowners who were also deprived of their property during these proceeding­s.

The inconvenie­nt truth is that the vast majority of the parcels taken were held by White landowners. Your article goes on to list the names of all the Black landowners impacted but avoids even a passing reference to any of their White neighbors.

For the sake of historical accuracy and inclusion, allow me to present a partial list: B.H. Dyer, R.L. Rice, H.M. Eichelberg­er, C.W. Stone, George W. Yarrow and the list goes on. Stop editoriali­zing on the front page and say their names.

— Stephanie Monash, Manhattan Beach

MLB All-Star Game

I will not watch this game or any baseball game this season.

— James Martin, Whittier

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