Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Young adult a full-time caregiver

- Dear Abby Columnist — In Difficult Circumstan­ces Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY >> I’m 23 years old and caring for my two grandparen­ts. My dad, their only son, lives with them, but avoids them at all costs, no matter how much I beg him to help. He causes more problems than he solves. I graduated from college last year, but because of all the doctor appointmen­ts, nurse visits and the attention they need, there’s no way I can work. My life is completely absorbed in caring for them. I’m going crazy! They don’t want to leave their home and won’t pay me or anyone else to care for them, but they need round-the-clock care. I’m not asking for help with THEM, I’m asking for help with balance. How can I be a young adult and fulltime caregiver?

DEAR I.D.C. >> You can’t. The longer you allow this to continue, the more trapped you will become. Contact senior services and inform them about what’s going on with your dad and your grandparen­ts. Then find a job. I am sure there are many available openings right now. You may have to continue living with your grandparen­ts for a while, but as soon as you can manage it, you should live independen­tly.

As to your father, tell him that if he doesn’t accept at least some of the responsibi­lity for his parents’ care, you will report him to adult protective services for neglect. It may not make you popular, but if you don’t assume control of your future, you will become increasing­ly isolated.

DEAR ABBY >> I have a strong, healthy bond with my 5- and 8-yearold daughters. When the older one was 6, my wife taught her not to let me see her naked when using the bathroom and

bathing. That broke my heart. I’m OK with it now, but my wife is now discouragi­ng them from sitting on my lap. I’m a loving and responsibl­e dad, and I would never do any harm to my kids, or do the things my wife thinks I will do. What should I do? — Not Trusted in California

DEAR NOT TRUSTED >> What you should do is discuss with her the reasons for her fears about the safety of your daughters. The answer may be that when she was small, she was molested by a male relative she trusted. There is nothing wrong with 5-year-old and 8-year-old girls sitting on their father’s lap. What is troubling is your wife’s reaction to it.

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