Daily Breeze (Torrance)

White House pushes student shots

- By Sheryl Gay Stolberg

WASHINGTON >> The White House, worried that coronaviru­s vaccinatio­n rates among young people are lagging as the school year approaches, is enlisting pediatrici­ans to incorporat­e vaccinatio­n into back-toschool sports physicals and encouragin­g schools to host their own vaccinatio­n clinics as part of a new push to get students their shots.

The initiative, announced Thursday by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, is part of a broader “return to school road map” aimed at getting students back to in-person learning this fall.

School officials around the country are worried that a surge in coronaviru­s cases, fueled by the highly infectious delta variant, will threaten the return of students.

Roughly 90% of the country’s educators are vaccinated, Cardona said during an appearance in the White House briefing room, and the administra­tion sees vaccinatin­g students as essential to keeping schools open. But experts and school superinten­dents said in interviews that increasing vaccinatio­n rates among students may be a slow, uphill battle.

“When you look at a map of the United States and you see those states that have low vaccinatio­n rates and high infection rates, those are the areas where superinten­dents are having problems in getting kids vaccinated,” said Dan Domenech, executive director of AASA: The School Superinten­dents Associatio­n, which represents about 13,000 superinten­dents around the country.

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