Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Readers weigh in about tipping for their services



I asked for your thoughts on tipping for services when a reader complained about having to tip so many people these days. Here are some of the responses we received: — Annie T., in Ohio — Roger M., in Texas — Laura R., in Kansas — Diane A., in Mississipp­i — Ava B., in California — John W., in Illinois — Ashley Y., in Oregon

Have an old hope chest and don't know what to do with it? Try out these suggestion­s:

• Paint it and use as a child's toy chest.

• Store winter wool things inside and place it in the attic.

• Use as a coffee table or bench if the design is suitable.

• Hand it down as an heirloom within your family.

• Donate to a charity thrift shop.


A new scam has reared its ugly head. A woman calls (it's a recording) and says the utility companies have overcharge­d you for your gas and electric bills, and you are due a rebate of about $50. “Please press one to confirm and collect your rebate,” she says.

The wording may vary a little, but whatever you do not press the number they tell you to press. It's a scam to get as much informatio­n as they can from you, including your banking informatio­n for an automatic deposit. Hang up on these criminals. — Albert W., San Antonio

DEAR HELOISE >> My husband and I have a home alarm system that requires batteries. To make certain the batteries don't stop working, we change them out every Valentine's Day. Why that date? My husband proposed to me on Valentine's Day, we got married the following year on Valentine's Day, and our twins were born on Valentine's Day three years later!

Needless to say, my husband would find it impossible to forget to change the batteries on that day. — Don and Pat N., Manchester, Connecticu­t

Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@Heloise. com.

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