Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Cold sensation in the back still lingers 3 years after a stroke

- Dr. Keith Roach Columnist

DEAR DR. ROACH » Three years ago (at age 79), I had a mild stroke. I was in and out of the hospital during the same day, but I soon reverted to normal. However, two mysterious side effects did remain:

First, although my right shoulder still works well (I can do weight lifting and pushups), it feels as if I am continuous­ly being tightly grasped by someone. Second, after the stroke, my brain started telling me that my back was seriously cold from top to bottom, even though it felt like a normal body temperatur­e to my touch.

The only relief from this maddening coldness is when I lean my back against a chair or sleep on my back. I can live with the damaged shoulder, but three years of sharing space and time with a back that feels neurologic­ally cold is beginning to get me down.

— H.D.

DEAR READER » A stroke is caused by the death of cells in the brain or spinal cord. This commonly causes weakness if the stroke is in a part of the brain that controls movement; speech problems


LOOSE PARTS: when it is in one of the main speech centers; loss of balance; deafness or blindness; and changes in the ability to think clearly.

One less-common stroke syndrome is when the stroke affects the sensorypro­cessing areas of the brain. This commonly results in numbness or pain, but other symptoms — such as the cold sensation you're feeling, but also dryness, tingling, itching and burning sensations — are possible. They can even be incredibly debilitati­ng. I am pretty sure that your back coldness is a sensory stroke manifestat­ion, and I'm pretty sure the symptom in your shoulder is, too.

The central nervous system has some capacity to adapt to changes, and we often see improvemen­t in patients who have weakness after a stroke. My limited experience, along with the medical literature, tells me that sensory changes after a stroke do not tend to get much better, especially a year following the stroke.

A visit with the neurologis­t is called for. I have read suggestion­s that some chronic-pain medication­s can sometimes help with cold and pressure sensations, but you need the opinion of an expert who has seen more than I have.

DEAR DR. ROACH » Recently, you wrote a column about dry nose conditions. I have found a simple fix with COVID masks. I wear one at night and sometimes in the day. As a result, the moisture that normally escapes when breathing stays trapped in the nasal area, so moisture is retained.

I could not take baby aspirin due to nosebleeds in the past. I can now take them, as moisture retention has prevented nosebleeds.

— M.B.

DEAR READER » I appreciate you writing in. I often recommend nasal sprays and gels, but you are absolutely right that a mask will keep the air you breathe in warm and humid. I've never had a patient do anything but note the downsides of wearing a mask (such as skin rashes and fungal and bacterial infections in people who need to wear masks profession­ally), but masks do have an upside in this particular case.

Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med. cornell.edu. 14 15 16


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