Daily Breeze (Torrance)

State water policy missing north star

- By Heather Dyer and Craig Miller

Water policy in California is missing a north star. Think of the last time you started on a difficult journey without a plan for where you wanted to end up. Seems silly right, how could you possibly succeed if you don't know where you are headed? Did you know that unlike in other sectors, we have no clear, single target that defines what makes up a sustainabl­e, statewide water supply for 40 million-plus California­ns? As a result, new proposals come out piecemeal, and we find ourselves trying to do the right thing in silos, without a clear idea of the big picture. With a statewide target in mind, hundreds of water agencies in California could begin working in unison to reach unpreceden­ted heights.

For example, it was five months ago that the State Water Board announced its new, not-yet-final rules to reduce “urban water use” in California by 440,000 acre-feet — a 0.4% supply reduction at a multibilli­ondollar price. “Making Conservati­on a California Way of Life” lays out complex requiremen­ts with granular targets for your water agency in a highly complex way, without effectivel­y moving the needle for water supply resilience in a proportion­ate way.

While it is important that everyone of us take care not to waste this precious resource, “Urban water use” represents only 10% of all use in California. Moreover, since 2020, urban use is already down 9.7%. We don't mean to say that we cannot possibly conserve more (we can) but, as the Public Policy Institute of California has said, “it is not enough to rely solely on conservati­on to meet demand.”

In the words of Sonja Petek, who led the LAO's review of “… Way of Life,” “We're certainly not saying that water conservati­on is not an important goal.” But given the complexity of “dealing with more limited water supplies,” conservati­on should be regarded as “one of the many tools in the state's toolbox.”

What if by working together we can create a toolbox of water resource efforts that achieves a long-term sustainabl­e water supply for the complex economy that makes California the place we know and love? Let's chart our course by looking at the big picture and how we can be stronger together. Think of the potential if we prioritize new/updated infrastruc­ture, groundwate­r recharge, wastewater treatment, and desalinati­on, through a common vision of what we are trying to build.

A groundbrea­king and collaborat­ive process begins with the courage to set the bar. SB 366 (Caballero) would provide that: a statewide water supply target that ensures sustainabi­lity for cities and towns, agricultur­e, and the environmen­t. The bill would establish long-term water supply targets for the state to achieve by specific deadlines, and require that state agencies develop plans and milestones to achieve those targets. This work would be done in cooperatio­n with local water agencies, wastewater service providers, and other stakeholde­rs — creating an all-of-the-above approach to water management, rather than operating mainly on a mindset of scarcity we can turn the tides toward planning to ensure abundance.

The state sets targets in other sectors, such as in transporta­tion, where by 2035 all new cars sold in California shall be zeroemissi­on vehicles; or in energy, where by 2045 the state shall use 100% clean electricit­y; or in housing, where by 2030 the state shall build 2.5 million new housing units. Why not an important target for water?

Today, there is no statewide target. Instead, water managers work together for project specific partnershi­ps to hold onto as much water as our system can store. From the 1930s, when the Central Valley Project began in earnest, to as late as the `90s, when major constructi­on on State Water Project infrastruc­ture finished, our state has come together to make the important step toward innovation. This approach and strategy needs a refresh.

By setting a target in statute, SB 366 would be the first step in shifting our approach for water supply and open the doors to ingenuity and innovation unique to the Golden State. Let's set our destinatio­n and begin our course for a future of California Water for All.

For more informatio­n on SB 366 and CA Water for All, visit: www.CaWaterFor­All.com

Heather Dyer is the General Manager of San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Craig Miller is the General Manager of Western Water.

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