Daily Camera (Boulder)

Recycling is still an option


Recent letter writer Melanie Bliss encourages readers to vote “yes” on Ballot

Issue 2A, tacking on a 25cent plastic bag fee in Louisville. Whether or not the measure passes, keep in mind one important fact: Plastic can be recycled.

A recent environmen­tal report finds that 87 percent of Americans have access to municipal recycling that accepts PET and HDPE, two common types of plastic that take the form of bottles, detergent containers, and some bags. Many grocery stores have even set up ways to return bags to ensure they are reused or recycled. Recycled plastic has a variety of uses as carpeting, clothing, and even playground equipment. Yet, the plastic recycling rate is low, according to the Environmen­tal Protection Agency.

In the long run, we’ll have the most success fighting waste by increasing our recycling rates.


Arlington, VA

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