Daily Camera (Boulder)

Household needs a recycling czar


Dear Amy: My wife and I have been married for eight years.

We’ve always shared household chores, which has worked well.

She recently put her career on hold to focus on our two small children, and she is an amazing mother.

My only complaint is her apathy toward recycling. I’m constantly picking recyclable­s out of the trash and trash out of the recycling bin.

Recyclable­s that do make it into the correct bin are often contaminat­ed with food waste which, I’ve read, gum up sorting and processing machines.

I’ve gently reminded her of the proper way to handle recyclable­s, but I am usually met with a “whatever” attitude or dismissive comment about “washing garbage.”

More often, I just quietly pick through the respective bins and put things in the right spot, but I feel like that’s encouragin­g her to continue not to care.

I realize in the grand scheme of things this is a pretty minor infraction and part of the issue is my meticulous­ness, but I’m wondering if you have any suggestion­s on how to persuade her to care more about proper recycling etiquette?

Dear Wearied: My solution is to suggest that you simply realize that your wife is a nonstarter in this regard, and to stop campaignin­g and correcting her. I am thereby appointing you the Recycle Czar of your household (your scepter is in the mail). As such, you will take on this job with enthusiasm and without complaint. Furthermor­e, I’m appointing your two young children to be your official assistants.

Even very young children can enjoy the job of safely sorting (clean) plastics (no sharp metal edges, please). You should delineate a color-coded bin for the recyclable­s, teach your kids the basics, explain to them why you are doing this, place the clean plastics and paper goods on the floor, and ask them to put these things into the appropriat­e bin (there are some fun videos on Youtube illustrati­ng the process). Then they can help you take the bin to the curb and watch the big truck take the discarded items away. Dear Amy: Thank you for your wise response to “Frustrated in the Kitchen,” who was so upset that her two stepsons (both addicts) were so often extremely late for her special home-cooked meals.

As a mother who lost a son to addiction, I can tell you that I never stop wishing there was one more birthday or holiday meal with my son.

Establishi­ng a “home” for those suffering with addiction is the kindest act a parent can do.

Yes, they can be late and unreliable and maybe they won’t stay long. But coming home for holiday meals can be a great blessing for troubled souls.

A family group like AA or NA could be of great help to these parents.

At the end of a meeting, they always say, “Keep coming back...” And that’s what parents should always say to their children.

Dear Grieving: Thank you so much for your thoughtful and loving response to a heartbreak­ing problem. I hope your perspectiv­e will help other parents and family members.

Addiction takes an incalculab­le toll on loved ones that statistics can never measure.

The wisdom of “Keep coming back…” works in so many contexts, and I thank you for sharing it.

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