Daily Camera (Boulder)

Romania’s Jewish State Theater


The latest premiere at the Jewish State Theater in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, explores the horrors of the Holocaust via a survivor’s memories of the Auschwitz and Plaszow concentrat­ion camps.

Friday’s debut of “The Beautiful Days of My Youth” by Romanian Jewish Holocaust survivor Ana Novac follows the National Holocaust Remembranc­e Day commemorat­ions on Oct. 9, the day when deportatio­ns of Romania’s Jews and Roma began in 1941.

Some 280,000 Jews and 11,000 Roma were deported and killed under Romania’s pro-nazi regime during World War II. During the communist era, hundreds of thousands of Romanian Jews emigrated to Israel. The current Jewish population is around 6,000, down from 800,000 before the war.

The play premiered online and in front of spectators who took up less than a third of the seats because of measures meant to slow the coronaviru­s pandemic in the eastern European nation.

Maia Morgenster­n, head of the Jewish State Theater and a Romanian Jewish actress best known for playing Mary in Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie “The

Passion of the Christ,” described the play’s staging to The Associated

Press as an “all-female project.” The director is a woman, Liana Ceterchi.

“Each one of us is a facet of Ana Novac’s soul and memory,” Morgenster­n said.

The play’s author, born Zimra Harsanyi, hails from Romania’s northern Transylvan­ia region. She was deported at age 14. The diary she kept inside a

Nazi concentrat­ion camp was first published in Hungary in 1966 and later translated into several languages, but it only hit bookshelve­s in her home country in 2004.

Many liken Novac’s work to that of Anne Frank, author of the “The Diary of a Young Girl,” which documented her life in hiding in Nazi-occupied Netherland­s before she was deported to concentrat­ion camps.

“We are bearers of scars from wounds that are not directly ours, but still we carry these scars,” Morgenster­n said. She stressed the importance of evoking events through theatrical performanc­e ”in order to understand the ghosts of a painful past, the memories of terrible events that have split the world into executione­rs and victims.”

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