Daily Camera (Boulder)

‘I do not believe unity is possible’

- LEONARD PITTS JR. Contact Leonard Pitts Jr. via e-mail at lpitts@miamiheral­d.com.

Uh-oh. Joe Biden is talking unity again. It came last week at a CNN town hall in Milwaukee in response to a question about how he will bring Americans together. “I take issue with what ever ybody says about the division,” he replied. “The nation is not divided. You go out there and take a look and talk to people, you have fringes on both ends, but it’s not nearly as divided as we make it out to be.”

Regular readers will be familiar with my take on unity, last offered in January when Biden made a plea for it in his inaugural address. I consider it, at this stage, a pipe dream. As you would not ask a battered wife to seek unity with the husband who beat her, you cannot ask people of color to seek it with bigotr y or Muslims with Islamophob­ia or LGBTQ Americans with homophobia or undocument­ed workers with xenophobia or fact-based Americans with utter hogwash. Yet bigotr y, Islamophob­ia, homophobia, xenophobia and utter hogwash are, increasing­ly, the only things the political right has to of fer.

So from where I sit, Biden speaks nonsense. But maybe that’s not the worst thing in the world.

I’m rememberin­g another president who spoke nonsense. This was on March 4, 1933. Having just taken the oath of of fice, Franklin Roosevelt faced a nation mired in economic collapse — the unemployme­nt rate near 25 percent, GDP down by 30 percent, one in five banks failing — and promised a revival. “The only thing we have to fear,” he asser ted, “is fear itself.”

And yes, the words are stirring. But if you think about it, they are also patently ridiculous. Americans, after all, had plenty to fear: joblessnes­s, homelessne­ss, hunger and the prospect of national collapse topping the list. Yet Roosevelt’s words rallied and inspired a dispirited nation. Almost 90 years later, they of fer a useful challenge to skeptics like me, a reminder not to underestim­ate the power of presidenti­al optimism. Or, indeed, the power of a president’s character.

When Bill Clinton was pilloried for sexually exploiting a naive young woman and then lying about it, it was common to hear his defenders opine that it didn’t matter what kind of man a president was, so long as he did the right thing politicall­y. As Barbra Streisand famously snipped, “We elected a president, not a pope.”

If the last four years accomplish­ed nothing else, they should have put permanentl­y to rest the notion that presidenti­al character is unimpor tant. The kind of person a president is has a lot to say about the kind of nation we will be. It is his or her job to make entreaty to the best in us, the highest and most noble in us, to speak into existence that which is unlikely — indeed, that which may even be, or at least seems to be, patently ridiculous. That’s how Lincoln won a civil war, Roosevelt overcame a great depression and Kennedy sent men to the moon.

The memor y of all that imposes upon me a cer tain duality of mind when Biden insists, against all the evidence of our eyes, our hear ts and our logic, on American unity. On the one hand, you recall the march through Charlottes­ville, the breaching of the Capitol, the spinelessn­ess, the faithlessn­ess, the litany of lies and alibis that continues right up to the present moment, and the idea of unity with those people — yes, they have become “those people” in my mind — seems delusional, far-fetched, a mirage of shadow and smoke. On the other hand, it feels undeniably … right to once again hear a president call us toward higher purpose.

So yes, a duality of mind. I do not believe unity is possible.

But I’m glad Joe Biden does.

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