Daily Camera (Boulder)

A painless, just path to restitutio­n

- By Tim Wolf

When something is stolen, restitutio­n restores it to its proper owner per the Mandator y Restitutio­n Act of 1996. This act provides restitutio­n processes for crimes that occurred even before the act was passed, though federal judges have discretion as to how restitutio­n may actually occur.

As the Joe Biden-kamala Harris administra­tion prepares to tackle the many problems it has inherited, one deep-seated issue it will confront is the question of restitutio­ns for the African American and Native Americans whose lives, families, rights, work, opportunit­ies and participat­ion in the American dream were destroyed, killed, stolen, kidnapped and per verted since our country began.

From 1800 to 1900, our countr y — primarily the U.S. Army — slaughtere­d or deliberate­ly infected roughly 12 million Native Americans. Some estimates approach 15 million people killed. The U.S. committed genocide on a large scale, killing more than double the number of Jewish people the Nazis murdered from 1939 to 1945, albeit it did so over a longer time frame.

During that centur y, U.S. slave-owners not only caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of slaves, they abused their labor without pay, ef fectively stealing the value of their work. Conser vatively, the estimated value of the labor stolen from slaves from 1800 to 1865, compounded to 2020 at 2% annual interest, approximat­es $50 trillion (average number of slaves X 11 cents an hour X 65 years, time valued).

And this estimate does not include at least $10 trillion denied African Americans since 1940 until 2020, attributed to appreciati­on in real estate.

People of color were denied this value because Black codes were enacted in most jurisdicti­ons throughout the U.S. — even in the north — that prohibited the sale of commercial or residentia­l real estate to Black investors, landlords or families.

A reminder of the terrible constancy of the injustices and systematic racism the United States has visited on Native and Black Americans is the difference in current median family income (2019): whites, $66,000; Native, $45,000, and Black, $42,000.

Also of note is that 21% (2018) of Black Americans live in poverty and 26% of Native Americans versus 10% for white Americans.

Nothing we as a countr y can do will ever truly repay Native and Black Americans for the heinous crimes they and their forebears have experience­d. But we can tr y.

Consider this:

From 2014 to 2020, the U.S. has averaged $1.9 trillion per year in combined value of mergers, acquisitio­ns and initial public of ferings. The values of these transactio­ns invariably accrue to shareholde­rs, bankers, private equity and venture capital investors.

A 2% tax on the value of these deals would be negligible to their beneficiar­ies, but it would not be negligible to the millions of people it could help and who have been denied restitutio­n for far too long. Moreover, given how much wealth was over tly stolen that has accrued to the benefit of many of those who generation­s later benefit from these transactio­n, the source of the tax is fitting.

If we taxed these transactio­ns at 2%, the U.S. could establish a $38 billion annual fund to invest in Black and Native communitie­s, early childhood education, child care, scholarshi­ps, health care coverage, minority businesses, food security, schools, infrastruc­tures and services that suppor t these communitie­s.

To fund what would equate to nearly eight

Gates Foundation­s per year would provide a powerful force for good for those families who were abused, robbed, enslaved and killed, and who have never received restitutio­n for the crimes committed by our countr y.

Restitutio­n via this painless tax could begin to expiate the crimes that the United States committed but has never provided restitutio­n to those so grievously harmed.

If not now, when?

Sources for informatio­n in this article came from officialda­ta.org; the University of Missouri; in2013doll­ars.com; quora.com; Weber State University; the Institute for Mergers, Acquisitio­ns and Alliances; pwc.com and Statista.

Tim Wolf is a 26-year resident of Boulder, retired global CFO of two major public companies and is the chair of Bridge House, which seeks to end homelessne­ss through its Ready to Work programs.

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