Daily Camera (Boulder)

Biden says ‘we have to act’ on gun control

- By Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — Democrats said they are pushing toward a vote on expanded gun control measures as the nation reels from its second mass shooting in a week. President Joe Biden said “we have to act,” but prospects for any major changes were dim, for now, in the closely divided Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed Tuesday morning to bring to the Senate floor legislatio­n passed by the House that would require background checks for most gun sales and transfers. He said the Senate “must confront a devastatin­g truth” after a lack of congressio­nal action on the issue for almost three decades.

“This Senate will be different,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said a day after a shooting at a crowded Boulder, Colorado, supermarke­t, killed 10 people, including a police of ficer. “The Senate is going to debate and address the epidemic of gun violence in this countr y.”

While a Senate vote on new gun control would be the first in several years, Democrats do not have the votes to pass any significan­t reform. They are not even united themselves, as Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.VA., told reporters Tuesday that he opposes the House legislatio­n on background checks.

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Tuesday on proposals for gun control. It is unclear whether any of the bills up for considerat­ion — most of them involving more restrictiv­e background checks — would have made a difference in the Colorado case. A 21-year-old man charged with killing eight people in the Atlanta area last week had purchased a 9 mm handgun hours before the murders, prompting advocates to push for longer waiting periods for purchases.

In brief remarks responding to the shooting, Biden urged Congress to move quickly to close the loopholes in the background check system and to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines — an ef for t that would be even more difficult to achieve politicall­y. According to a police affidavit, the Colorado shooter had purchased an assault rifle six days earlier.

“It should not be a partisan issue,” Biden said. “This is an American issue. It will save lives, American lives.”

Vice President Kamala Harris said Wednesday in an inter view with CBS News that Biden would not exclude taking executive action on gun control measures, but “if we really want something that is going to be lasting, we need to pass legislatio­n.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-conn., who has aggressive­ly pushed for expanded gun control since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children and six educators, expressed optimism about the chances for new laws with Biden in the White House and Democrats controllin­g the House and the Senate. He called it “the dawn of a new era.”

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