Daily Camera (Boulder)

Colo. lawmakers interested in ban on ‘assault-style weapons’

- By Saja Hindi

The three Democrats who represent Boulder in the General Assembly say they support a statewide ban on what they call “assault-style weapons” after this week’s mass shooting at a Boulder King Soopers.

But none of them — Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, Rep. Judy Amabile and Rep. Edie Hooton — said they had started drafting a bill yet.

“We don’t know what the next step is,” Fenberg said during a virtual town hall for Boulder residents Wednesday night.

“We don’t know what bills will be introduced, but the policies we support, those are policies that we will fight for.”

Six states and the District of Columbia have banned high-powered weapons. President Joe Biden has called in recent days for a national ban on those types of guns; the previous one expired in 2004.

Even without a draft in the works, Republican­s immediatel­y dismissed the idea, although they acknowledg­ed that something needed to be done in the wake of another mass shooting in Colorado — 10 people died Monday — but that it should focus more on mental health and not infringe on Second Amendment rights.

Greeley GOP Sen. John Cooke said in a statement “we find bans to be inef fective and that they end up punishing good, law-abiding Coloradans.” He added that Senate Republican­s will be “pushing for a massive investment in mental health services over the coming days and weeks.”

GOP Sen. Paul Lundeen of Monument said in a statement that “something is troubled in the collective American psyche — people are hurting — and we need to do all we can to address that.”

He added: “I’ll wait to see the details of a bill before drawing a conclusion, but I’d warn that while blanket bans may seem to be an easy solution, they never solve the root problem. Let’s focus on people — let’s provide them the help they need.”

House Democratic leadership declined to comment Wednesday on any discussion­s about banning any type of weapons.

Two gun bills were making their way through the General Assembly before the shooting: One would set stricter rules for storage of firearms by gun owners, and the other would require people to report lost or stolen firearms.

On Tuesday, Fenberg said he was drafting a bill to give back to cities the ability to have stronger gun laws than what is in state law; local control on that issue was lost in 2003.

Just last week, a district court judge in Boulder ruled the city does not have the legal authority to enforce its 2018 citywide ban on “assault-style” weapons and magazines with a capacity to accept 10 or more rounds because of the 2003 law. The Ruger AR-556 used in this week’s shooting fit Boulder’s definition of such a weapon.

And Democrats have indicated that more legislatio­n may be on the way, including one mandating a five-day waiting period for new gun purchases and another designed to keep guns from domestic abusers.

Hooton said in an interview with The Post that Democrats want to address the issue of easy access to guns and are working with advocacy groups to come up with potential legislatio­n that would look at multiple areas, not just highpowere­d weapons.

Centennial Democratic Rep. Tom Sullivan, whose son was killed in the 2012 Aurora movie theater shooting, has sponsored multiple gun bills in recent years. But as of Wednesday night, he hadn’t heard of any lawmakers who are on the verge of introducin­g a weapons ban, saying that the discussion­s are always ongoing.

“Just like (the discussion that) the Broncos need a new quar terback,” he said, “that conversati­on goes on every single day. What they can do about it is a whole other thing.”

Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis, a Longmont Democrat who is sponsoring the lost and stolen firearm legislatio­n, said her community, which is just miles from Boulder, feels the anguish of the shooting this week.

If it were up to her, the federal government would ban high-powered weapons, she said. If that’s not possible, then Jaquez Lewis supports the local control bill — which she believes is more likely to make it through the General Assembly.

In an interview, Amabile said Boulder’s lawmakers have spent the past couple of days discussing various types of gun legislatio­n but have not settled on one idea yet. She supports additional ef for ts, she said, but they must come in tandem with mental health support.

“I want to make sure we do something,” she said, “but it should be something that turns out to be meaningful and effective.”

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