Daily Camera (Boulder)


- By Tim Mosier

Anyone who has ever been in or around Estes Park in September knows to prepare for sudden and frequent stops because of massive Elk population­s littering the streets, sidewalks, and parking lots all across town.

Not only are the animals huge, weighing anywhere from 325 to 1,100 pounds, according to National Geographic, the males or bulls let out a distinctiv­e and icon bugle that is meant to display dominance.

While elk (known by some Native American tribes as wapiti), do bugle year-round, it is most common during rutting season when trying to impress a potential mate. The typical bugle of the bull elk is a surprising, distinctiv­e sound that begins deep and resonant and becomes a high pitched squeal before ending in a succession of grunts.

The goal of the bugle is usually not just to win the heart of one female elk (cow), but of a harem of as many as 20 females. While that may seem like a sweet setup for the bull, the stress of keeping a harem and few opportunit­ies to feed means that a bull can lose up to 20% of his body weight during this time.

Those in less than peak physical condition are less likely to survive the following winter.

An elk’s antlers can grow more than an inch a day during the summer months. The amount of antler growth as well as the total size of the rack depends on how soon and how much sunlight the bull gets that summer.

Sunlight elevates testostero­ne in bulls, which in turn triggers growth. By the time antlers are finished growing in the fall they can weigh as much as 40 pounds.

After the summer solstice, bulls’ testostero­ne levels increase and begin the calcificat­ion of the velvet antler. Bulls begin stripping the velvet covering in August.

The reproducti­on patterns of elk are prompted by an increase in melatonin as each night length increases.

Those big antlers do not only provide a “peacocking” affect during the rut, they are also crucial for a bull defending his harem against other elk.

According to the Colorado Elk Breeders Associatio­n, mature bulls average 800 to 1,100 pounds, stand 5’ to 5’6” at the shoulder and are 7 to 8 years of age. While mature bulls are the most likely to be selected to mate by cows, elk are capable of breeding at two years of age.

September is also a great time to visit Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) because the summer crowds have died down, the air is cool, and aspens are beginning to turn their most vibrant colors.

The elk are so popular in RMNP that seasonal closures are put in place to protect the animals.

“Beginning Sept. 1, park officials will put annual closures in place for travel on foot or horse off establishe­d roadways or designated trails from 5 p.m. to 10 a.m,” RMNP Public Informatio­n Officer Kyle Patterson said. “In 2020, the closure time extended from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. due to a significan­t increase in visitors approachin­g elk in previous years, when the morning meadow closures lifted.”

The closures last through Oct. 31 and are effective in Horseshoe Park, Upper Beaver Meadows, Moraine Park, Harbison Meadow and Holzwarth Meadow.

“The purpose of the closures is to prevent disturbanc­e and harassment of elk during their fall mating period and to enhance visitor elk viewing opportunit­ies,” said Patterson. “As always, elk calling and the use of spotlights or vehicle headlights for spotting wildlife is prohibited in RMNP.”

Elk are among the largest and most abundant wild animals in RMNP, and as many at 3,200 elk are scattered throughout the park during the summer and fall months, with 600-800 elk spending winter there.

The rut begins in late August and continues through October. Elk usually gather in the open meadows and are easily visible when left undisturbe­d.

During the elk rut, please stay on roadways and designated trails. Look for postings alerting you to areas that have been closed. Bring your binoculars or telephoto lens to get a close up view of these massive creatures.

A general rule of thumb is: If your presence causes the elk to move away, you are too close.

In RMNP, you may be cited for harassment of wildlife if your actions affect the behavior of an animal in any way.

You can easily spot and watch elk from the roadsides without putting yourself or the animal in danger.

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 ?? Photos by Chet Strange / Special to The Denver Post ?? Visitors line up along the roadside to photograph a herd of elk at Rocky Mountain National Park in May 2020.
Photos by Chet Strange / Special to The Denver Post Visitors line up along the roadside to photograph a herd of elk at Rocky Mountain National Park in May 2020.
 ??  ?? An elk crosses the road at Rocky Mountain National Park in May 2020.
An elk crosses the road at Rocky Mountain National Park in May 2020.

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