Daily Camera (Boulder)

Biden’s COVID plan depends on enforcemen­t


On Thursday, President Joe Biden took bold new steps to defeat the resurgent pandemic — by strengthen­ing the COVID vaccine mandate for federal employees and contractor­s, pushing big private companies to impose mandates of their own, and announcing a series of other initiative­s. He was right to act, and these measures deserve wide support.

It’s good that more than 62% of Americans 12 and older are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but tens of millions are still vulnerable. If infected, they’re at risk of severe illness. Cases, hospitaliz­ations and deaths have all risen in recent weeks. The pandemic is not yet under control, even though the best means of bringing it under control — vaccinatio­n — is readily at hand.

The country needed Biden to take the initiative. Now that he has, all Americans should do their part to conquer this scourge.

The president announced that some 4 million federal workers will soon have to be vaccinated or face disciplina­ry action. It remains to be seen whether the sanctions will include terminatio­n — but they should, where workers refuse vaccinatio­n without a good medical or religious reason. (Some private firms have made vaccinatio­n a condition of employment, and there’s no reason why the federal government should treat its employees differentl­y.) In a move extending to some 80 million people, Biden added that U.S. companies with at least 100 workers will be told to insist on shots or weekly COVID-19 testing. If they don’t comply, they’ll face fines. The new measures include work to provide booster shots to strengthen immunity; plans to keep schools open and safe; efforts to increase testing and use of masks; new economic supports, especially for small businesses; and further efforts to help hospitals and improve treatments.

Hospitals and colleges across the country, as well as a large swath of corporate America, have already moved to adopt vaccine mandates. This approach has worked, pushing many more people to get their shots. Meanwhile, progress across the country as a whole has been slow. The number of Americans inoculated can and should be higher than the current 800,000 a day.

Critics of mandates can be expected to push back. They say they should be free to do as they judge best, deciding for themselves whether to take their chances with COVID. But the consequenc­es of their decisions aren’t confined to them. The safety of others is compromise­d. The longer COVID is allowed to circulate, the greater the pandemic’s toll will be. Hospitals risk being overwhelme­d, forcing them to ration care, including for those sick through no fault of their own. All the while, the coronaviru­s is left free to mutate.

Biden seems to have the support of federal workers’ unions, including the American Federation of Government Employees, the largest — and that’s encouragin­g. Many other national unions also support vaccine mandates, including the American Federation of Teachers and unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO. But some local unions still resist. Police unions in Portland, Chicago and many other cities are opposed. In New York, many municipal unions are against the city’s pending mandate. Even some health-care unions have fought hospital mandates. And unions representi­ng profession­al athletes, including the NFL players’ associatio­n, have also dug in their heels.

There’s political resistance as well, of course, which is only to be expected in an America so bitterly divided into partisan camps. Nothing is more important than mending these divisions, at least so far as the pandemic is concerned. Biden’s opponents ought to stop and think. His initiative should unite the country in a new determinat­ion to defeat its common enemy.


Who bears the consequenc­es?

Many of us living in Martin Acres and the Hill have dealt with over occupancy issues for decades and we bear the consequenc­es as it has resulted in increased noise, parking issues, traffic and trash.

The memo sent to City Council by staff on July 20, 2021 states that, “regulating the number of unrelated adults allowed in a single family home is a method of indirectly regulating neighborho­od impacts that result from high concentrat­ions of unrelated adults residing in a single dwelling.”

This fall, a ballot measure will be asking voters for one bedroom one tenant plus one in all single family neighborho­ods in the city. Homeowners, young families seeking housing and renters need to understand that abolishing occupancy limits will yield us unlimited over-occupancy that the city will not regulate because there will no longer be a baseline for it. In fact, we all know the city historical­ly does a poor job of regulating occupancy so this would essentiall­y be the nail in the coffin for affordabil­ity and the precursor to the end of single family neighborho­ods as we know it.

Banks provide mortgages to investors based on the return from rent paid by legal occupants. Greedy investors have been buying homes up in Boulder and elsewhere, essentiall­y turning them into rooming houses for renters, with less living space and charging price per head. What this means is that a three bedroom home has the potential to be subdivided into a five or more bedroom home or potentiall­y scraped and built to maximize the number of bedrooms. The investor capitalize­s with unlimited occupancy while the pathway to ownership for young families with children will become unattainab­le.

Do homeowners really want Boulder to turn into one massive rooming community where families are pushed out of the city?



Reinstate remote teaching flexibilit­y

As we have returned to campus this fall, we’re faced with a harsh reality: COVID-19 is not gone. It is, once again, on the upswing.

As a member of CU’S system-wide faculty, staff, and student worker union, United Campus Workers Colorado (UCW), I am asking CU to respond to the changing conditions of the pandemic by reinstatin­g protective measures and creating flexibilit­y for faculty and staff regarding remote teaching.

CU Boulder, specifical­ly, has gotten rid of many of last years’ protection­s, like isolation spaces and robust surveillan­ce testing.

In a recent UCW poll of campus workers, 91% think that campus COVID policies should adhere to CDC indoor mask guidelines; 90% of respondent­s also stated that faculty and staff should be allowed to require masks in personal office settings. With Boulder County Public Health’s new mask mandate, CU needs to change their current guidelines on mask use and social distancing.

Reports of large classes in rooms filled to capacity, negates the safety afforded by social distancing. Faculty must be allowed to change their course modality from in-person to online, as they see fit.

The vaccine is not a silver bullet. Breakthrou­gh cases account for a low percentage of total cases but are becoming more common.

As a member of the CU community, both as a worker and student, and a healthcare profession­al working in an inpatient setting. I urge CU to extend the mask mandate to all shared indoor spaces on campus, including residence halls, to create isolation spaces for students who test positive for COVID and reside on campus, and to return to accessible, no appointmen­t necessary COVID testing.

CU’S negligence with this year’s COVID response forces the whole CU community to work and learn in circumstan­ces that do not feel safe.

CU do better. Support your community.


Afghan refugees

We can help them

We Americans certainly disagree over the wisdom and execution of the American policies related to Afghanista­n. At the same time I believe we strongly agree that we should help refugees who supported our forces to create new lives for themselves and their families. Other recent letters to the editor have offered great ways to help with resettling refugees in the U.S.

I propose that Boulder City Council pass a resolution that our city will be a welcoming location for Afghan translator­s, journalist­s, workers on bases, etc. In addition Council should allocate $100,000 to be dispersed to social service organizati­ons to facilitate that. This amount is less than 1/3000th of the 2021 budget.

I also encourage the Boulder County Commission­ers, and other Boulder County cities and towns, to do the same.

If you agree, copy-andpaste this letter, and send it to these local government­al agencies. And lastly, if you want to personally help, use your favorite search engine, and enter “how to help Afghan refugees” and add “in Colorado” if you want to stay local. You will be rewarded with dozens of suggestion­s.


Steve Pomerance

It’s not all about process

Steve Pomerance is highly skilled at presenting issues as failures of procedure. Sometimes they are, but procedure claims often mask a speaker’s opinion on the underlying question. Mr. Pomerance’s broadside against the current City Council (Camera Sept. 3) is the latter kind. He passionate­ly supported the failed and ruinously expensive effort to convert our electricit­y provider from Xcel to the city and can’t let go. The merits are exhausted, so now it is all about process. Bad target. The issue was decided by popular vote, and the lead-up to that was thoroughly aired by Council and press including a flood of letters to, and opinion columns in, the Camera. Moreover, he never confesses to the $20 million error by proponents of municipali­zation, to pursue it by the city instead of forming an appropriat­e special district.

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