Daily Camera (Boulder)

Dems push local priorities on budget,

- By Thomas Beaumont

DES MOINES, Iowa — U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne of Iowa was slow to get behind a $1 trillion infrastruc­ture bill after the Senate passed it last month. It wasn’t the price tag that tripped up the Democrat from a swing House district. It was that none of the money was targeted for a home state industry — ethanol and biodiesel.

Axne set out to fix that. In the weeks since, she won assurances from congressio­nal leaders that a separate multitrill­ion-dollar budget blueprint would include money for the renewable fuels. She’s now on board.

Her biofuels bargain underscore­s the political strategy embedded in the negotiatio­ns over massive new federal spending.

While Democrats have set out to pass ambitious bills with historic expansions of the social safety net and long-sought new programs, that’s not how many politicall­y vulnerable Democrats such as Axne are selling them at home. For them, Washington’s spending boom has become a chance to deliver the goods — and win headlines and perhaps bipartisan support in their districts.

“If she wants to get elected next time, this is her political bread and butter,” Ray Gaesser, a Republican farmer in Axne’s district and past candidate for Iowa secretary of agricultur­e, said about her work to secure money for biofuels. “For my part, I appreciate her approach.”

Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota has taken a similar tack.

Craig, whose district includes vast tracts of farmland southeast of the Twin Cities, is promoting her role securing $2.5 billion for farmers and rural small businesses to convert to renewable energy sources and high efficiency equipment as a financial incentive to meet higher environmen­tal standards.

She tweeted on Friday that she was “thrilled that this long-time priority of mine” would be “supporting family farmers and driving investment across rural America.”

In Virginia, Rep. Abigail Spanberger said she is chiefly focused on a measure to exempt her district’s small-scale farmers and foresters from an increase in the estate tax which President Joe Biden has proposed to help pay for the $3.5 trillion bill.

Though Spanberger’s constituen­ts are concentrat­ed in suburban Richmond, the district stretches north and south across the rolling, agricultur­al Piedmont and its many dairy, vegetable and cattle farms and private forestland.

“I’ve been very focused on making sure we’re protecting small family farmers and foresters, certainly across central Virginia,” Spanberger told The Associated Press.

The lawmakers’ efforts are aimed at assisting rural America, where Democrats have steadily lost votes over the past decade. The party is clear-eyed about needing to at least trim its losses in those areas, if they are to hold the congressio­nal seats — and control of the House in 2022.

Democrats currently have a mere eight-seat majority. Republican­s are targeting roughly 30 House seats where Democrats won by fewer than 10 percentage points in 2020. Axne, Spanberger and Craig each won by no more than 2 percentage points.

“There’s been a very deliberate effort to think about those provisions in ways that would be beneficial to rural communitie­s,” said Democratic pollster Geoff Garin who is advising the party on the budget package.

Republican­s argue that the size of the spending bill will turn off rural voters in key districts, not attract support.

“Rural voters are incredibly concerned about the reckless spending and massive tax hikes that will be included in Democrats’ reconcilia­tion bill,” said Mike Berg, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressio­nal Committee. “If Democrats think these voters’ concerns will be mollified by a few kickbacks from the federal government, they are sorely mistaken.”

The trillion-dollar infrastruc­ture bill — a plan for roads, bridges, public transit and broadband internet — passed the Democratic­controlled Senate with bipartisan support last month. The House is expected the pass the bill, but its success is tied to progress on the $3.5 trillion budget bill that includes extended child tax credits, expanded Medicare coverage, tuition-free community college, and other social and environmen­tal programs.

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