Daily Camera (Boulder)

Calif.’s widening political divide here to stay

- By Julia Wick, Patrick Mcgreevy and Anita Chabria

As the California recall winds down to its final hours, a central question has emerged that will probably dog gubernator­ial hopefuls and voters into the upcoming 2022 election.

How much more of this can we take?

Though the current referendum on Gov. Gavin Newsom will wrap up on Tuesday — with recent polls strongly suggesting that he will prevail — the regular election is only a year off. Like wildfires, campaignin­g is no longer confined to a season.

Election efforts will probably keep rolling forward, making the recall one more chapter in a continuing storyline of identity politics that has captivated some, bored others and, for many, become an endurance test of civic engagement.

If Newsom loses on Tuesday, that upset could reshuffle the Democratic deck. If he retains office, the same slate of candidates is predicted to run again in 2022, though most, including Republican front-runner Larry Elder, have declined to state their intent until votes are counted.

“They might let everybody have a Christmas holiday, and then [we’re] back at it,” warned Edward Ring, co-founder of the conservati­ve nonprofit California Policy Center.

Whether Newsom keeps his office or not, voters will be asked in June to choose their top two picks for governor in the primary, along with wading through a full slate of state and local offices and ballot measures that will probably include proposals on crucial issues such as criminal justice and water use.

Candidates wishing to collect signatures rather than pay a fee to be included on the next gubernator­ial ballot can start gathering that support this December, and petitions collecting signatures on propositio­ns will soon appear outside grocery stores and coffee shops.

How much interest voters will muster to stay engaged remains to be seen, but the top contenders in Tuesday’s gubernator­ial recall showed few signs of fatigue going into their final weekend.

Dressed in a dark suit and maroon tie, Elder joined in a solemn ritual Saturday morning on a tree-lined street outside firefighte­r Scott Townley’s Fullerton home: Reading aloud the names of the nearly 3,000 people who perished 20 years ago Saturday in the Sept. 11 attacks.

By lunch, the tie was gone, his sleeves were rolled up and he was eating inside a booth at the Texas Pit Bar-b-que in Lake Forest, where he dined with formerly homeless veterans.

In Sacramento, Newsom began the day by laying a wreath in remembranc­e of 9/11 at the Wall of Heroes at the National Guard headquarte­rs, which honors California National Guard soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanista­n over the past two decades.

Then he headed to Oakland, where about 100 union members from the Service Employees Internatio­nal Union, representi­ng longterm health care workers, were fired up in favor of keeping a governor who has long been an ally. He didn’t hesitate with his message that Elder is “consistent­ly to the right of Donald Trump.”

For Newsom, he can only hope Elder chooses to campaign again.

“The people running to succeed Gov. Newsom are ridiculous,” former Gov. Jerry Brown said during a Friday night television appearance. “The recall, I think, paradoxica­lly is going to strengthen Gov. Newsom and what he is trying to do.”

Jack Pitney, a professor of American politics at Claremont Mckenna College, said a recall victory over Elder would be “almost a perfect result for Newsom in 2022.”

Pitney said the emergence of the far-right Elder, a standard-bearer for former President Donald Trump who often makes bombastic statements, reminds him of a quote by 19th-century German Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck: “There is a providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.”

“That special providence is now protecting Gavin Newsom, too,” Pitney said.

How much divine protection Newsom garners ultimately comes down to how many votes he gets, said Dan Schnur, who teaches political communicat­ions at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Southern California. A big win might make him bulletproo­f to criticism, but “if he gets [through] the recall narrowly, then he still sustains some political damage. He’s not dead, he’s wounded,” he said.

Mike Madrid, a Republican political consultant and co-founder of the Lincoln Project, which tried to rouse Republican opposition to Trump, said he believed the recall “may have been much ado about nothing” when it comes to parsing the power and fate of Golden State conservati­ves.

He doubts Elder or another candidate will pull off an upset, much less a future win. Madrid pointed out that Democrats in California have long outnumbere­d Republican­s — who make up only 24% of registered voters — and Republican­s have routinely lost statewide elections with margins that match that divide, showing that few voters cross party lines.

While unseating Newsom would be cataclysmi­c, the results of the second question on who voters would choose as a replacemen­t may be more relevant to understand­ing the future of the Republican Party in the state, Schnur said.

A single-digit showing for a more moderate candidate such as Kevin Faulconer would signal a pullback from Trumpism. By contrast, the predicted dominance of Elder would indicate California conservati­ves remain firmly in Trump’s gravitatio­nal pull, edging the party to an extreme that is riddled with conspiracy and mistrust of government. Recently, Trump said that the recall election was probably “rigged,” continuing to spread false allegation­s of widespread voter fraud.

Madrid said that a Newsom win would reinforce the diminishin­g relevance of Republican­s in the state as that far-right flank becomes the party’s core, and could spark more recall attempts.

“As the Republican base shrinks, it is becoming more monolithic and extreme and excitable,” Madrid said.

 ?? SAUL LOEB / Getty Images ?? In this file photo taken on Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris, right, waves alongside California Gov. Gavin Newsom during a campaign event against his recall election at the IBEW-NECA Joint Apprentice­ship Training Center in San Leandro, California.
SAUL LOEB / Getty Images In this file photo taken on Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris, right, waves alongside California Gov. Gavin Newsom during a campaign event against his recall election at the IBEW-NECA Joint Apprentice­ship Training Center in San Leandro, California.

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