Daily Camera (Boulder)

People in the news Stephen King


WASHINGTON » Bestsellin­g author Stephen King gingerly stepped up to the witness stand Tuesday in a federal antitrust trial. Tracing his own history, he laid out a portrait of a publishing industry that has become increasing­ly concentrat­ed over the years while richly rewarding his creative endeavors.

“My name is Stephen King. I’m a freelance writer,” King said as he began his testimony as a witness for the U.S. Justice Department. The government is bidding to convince a federal judge that the proposed merger of Penguin Random House and rival Simon & Schuster, two of the world’s biggest publishers, would thwart competitio­n and damage the careers of some of the most popular authors.

King has been published for years by Simon & Schuster. Some of his former publishers were acquired by larger ones. The $2.2 billion merger of Penguin Random House, the biggest U.S. publisher, and fourth-largest Simon & Schuster would reduce the “Big Five” U.S. publishers to four.

King’s appearance in U.S. District Court in Washington — highly unusual for an antitrust trial — brought a narrative of the evolution of book publishing toward the dominance of the Big Five companies.

As government attorney Mel Schwarz walked King through his history starting as a new, unknown author in the 1970s and his relationsh­ips with agents and publishers, King homed in on a critique of the industry as it is now.

Wearing all gray — suit, shoes and tie — King crisply answered Schwarz’s questions, with some moments of humor and brief flashes of gentle outrage, as he testified during the second day of the trial expected to last two to three weeks.

King’s displeasur­e about the proposed merger led him to voluntaril­y testify for the government.

“I came because I think that consolidat­ion is bad for competitio­n,” King said. The way the industry has evolved, he said,

“It becomes tougher and tougher for writers to find money to live on.”

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