Daily Camera (Boulder)

DNA testing reveals family shock

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

About five years ago, I found out through DNA testing that my third child (age 31), is not my biological son.

I learned this after divorcing my wife. My ex will not discuss this issue with me and has not been forthright with him, either. I love my son as much as my other two children, but doesn’t he deserve to know the truth? He lives on the opposite coast, but we have a good relationsh­ip and just enjoyed a great week-long visit together.

One concern to me is that he may eventually need to know his medical history that I cannot provide.

Also, he is becoming more inquisitiv­e regarding family ancestry, and I try to avoid such conversati­ons.

His mother does not want to discuss any of this with me, but I am open to having both of us discuss this with him in the future if she is willing.

I have taken the stance that it is up to her to tell him, but she hasn’t since we uncovered this informatio­n almost five years ago.

Is there anything I should do, or should I just wait on her?

She may be planning to take the truth to her grave to avoid embarrassm­ent.

Is any action on my part required? Your suggestion?

— Determined Dad

You should not avoid discussing family ancestry with your son. He is a member of the family and — DNA aside — your family ancestry is also his.

He also has the right to learn the truth about his DNA. This is important informatio­n, for obvious reasons. And — even though learning this news would undoubtedl­y lead to challenges for everyone in the family — it is the truth. It is his truth, and he has the right to it.

Given the ubiquity of DNA testing, your son is likely to discover this on his own at some point. His mother’s issue notwithsta­nding, imagine how he would feel knowing that you have been in possession of this knowledge for years and have chosen not to tell him?

You should set a ticking clock and let his mother know that if she doesn’t disclose the truth to your son by a reasonable deadline, you will.

DEAR AMY >> I recently married my husband “RJ,” and life is great.

While at a get-together with old friends of mine, one of them waited until RJ went to the bathroom to ask me about my ex-husband and his well-being.

She quickly wrapped up as soon as RJ was approachin­g to join us again, and I’m glad that she did.

Unfortunat­ely, RJ hasn’t always extended the same “kindness” to me.

In the past, he and his friends have relived the good times they’ve all had together, including much, much talk of his ex.

I don’t have jealous tendencies and didn’t mind per se, but I admit that

I did feel somewhat disconnect­ed from him after those two or three instances.

What’s your opinion on the better approach? When in company, should we avoid speaking of our past in front of our current partner, or yap on and let them deal?

— Curious in Miami

DEAR CURIOUS >> If the choices are kindness and considerat­ion versus “yapping” and dealing, I’m voting for what’s behind Door Number One.

However, depending on the context, a certain amount of wandering down memory lane should be expected, especially if the group includes more than one old friend.

Generally, extensive conversati­ons about ancient personal experience­s costarring strangers are both boring and disconnect­ing. A gracious person will find ways to steer the conversati­on and not alienate any one person for very long.

Yes, I agree that it is kindest for your husband not to initiate extensive conversati­ons involving “much, much talk” of his ex. However, if the ball gets rolling, you should tolerate it. Nor should you completely avoid talking about your own history in front of your husband.

DEAR AMY >> You really blew your response to “Saddened.”

First of all, the 40-yearold daughter should get her own place and get a fulltime job. Does she even have friends, or date?

I can go on and on, but something is terribly wrong in this household.

— Disappoint­ed

DEAR DISAPPOINT­ED >> “Saddened” reported that all members of the household were functionin­g and happy. He was looking for ways to improve his relationsh­ip with his stepdaught­er, and I offered ideas.

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