Daily Camera (Boulder)

King Charles III signals his reign will offer change of tone

- By Danica Kirka

As the United Kingdom mourns a beloved queen, the nation is already wondering how King Charles III will reign and whether his monarchy will depart from the traditions of his mother.

If his first full day on the throne is any indication, Charles seemed ready to chart at least a slightly different course.

When Charles traveled to Buckingham Palace for the first time as the new king Friday, his limousine snaked through a sea of spectators then stopped short of the palace gates before he got out and shook hands with well-wishers. Charles looked more like a U.S. president on the campaign trail than the latest steward of a 1,000-year-old hereditary monarchy.

It’s not that Queen Elizabeth II didn’t meet her subjects. She did, often. But this felt different — a bit less formal, a bit more relaxed and personal. Charles spent almost 10 minutes greeting people pressed up against the crowd-control barriers, smiling, waving, accepting condolence­s and the occasional bouquet of flowers as the audience broke out in a chorus of “God Save the King.”

After inspecting the tributes to his mother lined up outside the palace, he waved once more and walked through the gates with Camilla, the Queen Consort.

“It was impressive, touching, a good move to come out to the crowds,” said Ammar Al-baldawi, 64, a retiree from Hertfordsh­ire who was among the throngs outside the palace. “I think that’s where the royal family needs to communicat­e with the people now.”

Charles’ efforts to engage with the public more intimately reflect the fact that he needs their support. There are difficult issues ahead, most pressingly how the 73-year-old king will carry out his role as head of state.

The laws and traditions that govern Britain’s constituti­onal monarchy dictate that the sovereign must stay out of partisan politics, but Charles has spent much of his adult life speaking out on issues that are important to him, particular­ly the environmen­t.

His words have caused friction with politician­s and business leaders who accused the then-prince of Wales of meddling in issues on which he should have remained silent.

The question is whether Charles will follow his mother’s example and muffle his personal opinions now that he is king, or use his new platform to reach a broader audience.

In his first speech as monarch, Charles sought to put his critics at ease.

“My life will of course change as I take up my new responsibi­lities,” he said. “It will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I care so deeply. But I know this important work will go on in the trusted hands of others.”

Ed Owens, a historian and author of “The Family Firm: Monarchy, Mass Media and the British Public, 1932-53,” said that while Charles will tread a careful path, it’s unlikely he will suddenly stop talking about climate change and the environmen­t — issues where there is a broad consensus about the urgent need for action.

“To not do so would not be true to the image that he has until this moment developed,” Owens said.

John Kerry, the U.S. special envoy for climate, said he hopes Charles will continue speaking out about climate change because it is a universal issue that doesn’t involve ideology. Kerry was in Scotland to meet with the Prince of Wales this week, but the session was canceled when the queen died.

“It doesn’t mean he’s involved in the daily broil of politics or speaking for a specific piece of legislatio­n,” Kerry told the BBC. “But I can’t imagine him not … feeling compelled to use the important role of the monarch, with all the knowledge he has about it, to speak out and urge the world to do the things the world needs to do.”

Constituti­onal lawyers have debated for years whether Charles has pushed the boundaries of convention­s designed to keep the monarchy out of the political fray.

His so-called Black Spider Memos — named for his spidery handwritin­g — to government ministers have been cited as evidence that he wouldn’t be neutral in his dealings with Parliament.

The debate has also spilled over into fiction.

In the 2014 play “King Charles III,” playwright Mike Bartlett imagines the new king, uncertain of his powers and moved by his conscience, causing a constituti­onal crisis by refusing to sign a new law restrictin­g press freedom.

 ?? YUI MOK — POOL PHOTO VIA AP ?? Britain’s King Charles III, left, and Camilla, the Queen Consort, look at floral tributes outside Buckingham Palace following Thursday’s death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, on Friday. King Charles III, who spent much of his 73years preparing for the role, planned to meet with the prime minister and address a nation grieving the only British monarch most of the world had known. He takes the throne in an era of uncertaint­y for both his country and the monarchy itself.
YUI MOK — POOL PHOTO VIA AP Britain’s King Charles III, left, and Camilla, the Queen Consort, look at floral tributes outside Buckingham Palace following Thursday’s death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, on Friday. King Charles III, who spent much of his 73years preparing for the role, planned to meet with the prime minister and address a nation grieving the only British monarch most of the world had known. He takes the throne in an era of uncertaint­y for both his country and the monarchy itself.

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