Daily Camera (Boulder)

Teenage boys need guidance to flourish


I am writing to draw attention to the profound challenges faced by teenage boys today, marked by alarming statistics on mental health issues. The CDC notes a disturbing increase in suicide rates among individual­s aged 10-34, with teenage boys disproport­ionately affected. Furthermor­e, the Surgeon General of the U.S. highlights their struggle with isolation and a lack of connection.

In addressing these issues, consider the timeless concept of rites of passage. Rooted in ancient traditions worldwide, rites of passage provide a structured environmen­t for teenage boys to acquire crucial life skills, fostering personal growth and resilience. They typically involve positive male role models who serve as mentors, offering guidance and wisdom during a pivotal phase of life.

In our Boulder community, there exists a modern adaptation of these rites through events like the Keys to Manhood Weekend, June 20-23, 2024. Remarkably, this initiative is entirely organized and facilitate­d by volunteer men. While the weekend program echoes the principles of rites of passage, it is not an isolated endeavor. Rather, it is part of a broader effort to create a supportive network for our teenage boys, addressing the isolation that some experience during adolescenc­e.

These rites aim to instill essential life skills, such as communicat­ion, problem-solving, and self-awareness. By engaging with positive male role models and bonding with peers, participan­ts are better equipped to navigate the challenges of adolescenc­e and build a foundation for a successful future.

As we grapple with the contempora­ry challenges faced by teenage boys, the adaptation of ancient traditions offers a valuable perspectiv­e. By combining the wisdom of the past with the needs of the present, we strive to ensure that our young men receive the guidance, skills and support necessary to flourish in today’s complex world.

— Garrett Braun, Boulder

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